Friday, 21 February 2025

From JP: Dead Man's Chest Vignette - Ral Partha Legacy - Greed (55 points)

 Some of you may recall that last year I entered this vignette:

I am back this year with another Ral Partha Legacy vignette sculpted by Tom Meier. I just can't resist these throwbacks to my youth. This one is called Dead Man's Chest and I am using it as my Greed entry courtesy of the Sarah heroine.

For those of you who followed the adventures of Fineous Fingers in the early Dragon issues, this may ring a bell in terms of style and situation!

This was a sizable challenge for me in terms of detail,  choosing colours and patterns to give me what I hope does justice these wonderful figures.

I am claiming the following:

3 x 25mm figures                                                15
4 pillars and each pillar's quarter of the floor     20
Greed                                                                  20
                                                                            55 points

Martin, if you feel my claim for the pillars and their quarter of the base is too much, shave away!

Thanks for looking folks!

Oh yes, I remember last year's vignette very well. And this one is just as spectacular, JP! The vibrant colours really bring this piece to life, and the painting is immaculate as always. I love those pillars with the ranks twisted about them, and the treasure chest, and the floor details...  A great scenic vignette! I'll go along with your calculations, so 55 points it is. 



  1. Love it! G rea to see these old skool figures get some love. This set is old enough that I might have still been in school when it came out.

    1. I think this came out in 1976 or 1977.

    2. Queen Elizabeth High class of 1980! That would fit.

  2. Fantastic vignette. Defined a Fineous Fingers vibe. Great painting on the columns.

  3. Brilliant stuff! I loved last year's one as well.

  4. Lovely vignette JP, the pillars in particular are really well done to get the consistent tracery of vines all the way round - great job!

  5. Wonderful scene. Really set the tone of finding that treasure.

  6. Wow! Very nice painting. Really captures the vibe

  7. Great stuff. These side challenges do inspire you to create vignettes, and yours is fabulous. Lots of lovely detail.

  8. Smashing work, JP! Those pillars are really great with decorating patterns. I honestly would have gone pure minoan red or white marble, but the bright colors just add to the miniatures and sets the stage well for being a special place. I like the colors repeating in the surprised party too. There is a lot of detail to appreciate here!

  9. Those columns are fantastic! the figures stand alone but together with the scene it all works very well.
