Friday, 21 February 2025

From AdamW: Sticks and stones may break my bones (Ambitious) (44 points)

The joy of working nightshifts this week means I can slip in one final last minute post.

This is a unit I painted earlier in the challenge, whilst I was painting the Boers I think, but had to wait to post due to the linear nature of Dante's challenges.

So for my entry for 'The Ambitious' sphere I present a 15mm unit of peasants armed only with 'sticks and stones'. They are keen as mustard and probably overly ambitious if they take one anyone armed properly.  Luckily sticks and stones may breaks some bones, so they may succeed.

They are Peter pigs figures painted with Army painter speedpaints.

Points claim.

12 x 15mm foot @ 2pts = 24pts

Ambitious bonus @20pts = 20pts

Total 44pts

That's quite a funny take on The Ambitious, I love it! I'm not sure they will be getting anywhere soon, but it's the thought that counts. Nice models, and a good paint job. Well done Adam, another 44 points for you!



  1. They’d make a fine motivational poster.

    1. You too can fight like these braves souls against armoured shield bearing warriors :)

  2. Nice. Ambitious or desperate but either way they are ready for the table.

    1. Desperate as some of my attempts to hit all the circles/spheres!

  3. Great to see speedpaints on 15mm. Do you 'slapchop', or use any particular colour primer?

    1. I just do as nature or Army Painter originally intended, a white undercoat. I am considering trying grey when I want more muted tones, and trying out some mixing to get subtler tones. I have been using speedpaints since the original ones, which had their problems. The new ones are easier, except I find them harder on brushes as they dry so much quicker and can start to gum up the brushes if you are using the same colour for very long. Overall I like them for 15mm figures like these.

  4. Love those peons Adam, the paint job worked really well and gave them a really down to earth look!

    1. Thanks Simon, not sure they are peons or plebs!

  5. Very nice and at 15mm. Wonderful Adam.

  6. Thanks Martijn. The only problem with hitting these challenges, is the buying of figures I didn't need just to do it! Luckily I am still managing to chip away at existing projects

  7. Nice work work on them Adam! They are a colorful rabble!
