Friday, 21 February 2025

From Mike W: Warlord Epic 15mm Numidians & Celts, plus some others! (185 Points)

 So this last week has been really disappointing in terms of free time that I could put towards painting for the challenge, with real life again throwing up unexpected obsticles to resolve! Who said being retired was easy, with nothing else to do except your hobbies, everyone seems to believe that you're the guy who can do everything at the drop of the hat! 😀

That said I have concentrated on trying to break the back of my 15mm Carthaginian army, with Light Infantry and Horse all lurching towards completion.

The bulk of this week's submission is focused on the Carthaginian's allied Numidian and Celtic forces, with the foot all being depicted as Light Infantry. I have noticed that Warlord Games do a close formation Celtic frame, so I'll be looking to acquire one of these in the near future - plus some elephants of course!

Anyway on to this week's figures, first the Numidians:

The Numidian contingent, Horse, Javelin men and Archers.

A close-up on the horse, 2 bases each of 5 men, all armed with Javelins
and their distinctive hand painted cow hide shields

Another shot of the mounted men, sorry having trouble getting a clear shot of these small guys

The Javelin men, again two bases each of five figures.

Two bases of Archers, again two bases each of five figures.

And with the rear rank brought to the front

A better shot of the Javelinmen

Now the Celts:

The Celt contingent, 2 bases of cavalry and two bases of skirmishers

Close-up on the Javelin armed skirmishers, shields are again hand painted

Another view of the Javelin men. 

Celtic Cavalry, javelin and sword armed with a mix of armoured and unarmoured figures

Another view of the Celtic horse.

And finally the others!

Two bases of Lybian Skirmishers armed with spear and shield

Rear rank brought forwards

Two bases of Iberian slingers

And the rear rank of the slingers brought forwards

Hopefully next week back to 28mm Arthurians - although I do have some 20 or so more Carthaginian Horse to get completed!


10 x 15mm Numidian Horse @ 4Pts ea           40 Points

20 x 15mm Numidian Foot @ 2Pts ea             40 Points 

10 x 15mm Celtic Horse @ 4Pts ea                 40 Points

10 x 15mm  Celtic Foot  @ 2Pts ea                 20 Points

10 x 15mm  Iberian Slingers @ 2Pts ea           20 Points

10  x 15mm  Lybian Foot @ 2Pts ea                20 Points

TOTAL                                                           180 Points

Ah, a slow week. Only 180 points! Oh my. Well, at least you made the effort, Mike! All joking aside, you have been busy. I always like your Epic contributions, and this is no exception. A fine and varied entry. I particularly like your Celtic troops, but the others look good too. I'll top you up to 185 points for the handpainted shields, they really do something for these 15mm figures. I am looking forward to seeing a group photo of all your epic troops when you have finished them. Well done!



  1. Wow Mike, that is still quite a lot of production, so whatever else was going on, I hope you feel good about what you were able to finish!

  2. Lovely work. Appreciate the hand painted shields.

  3. Lots of output Mike nontheless. Which rule set are they based for? The cavalry not being deep enough for Impetus, in any case they look great, especially the hide shields

    1. Hi Simon, these are based for Warlod Games Epic Hail Ceasar. But I'm thinking that i my also try them with th eold Tabletop Games Micro Ancients rules, which are still available online as a PDF. Hwere -

  4. Great output and really enjoy the shields on these 13/15mm folk. Well done.

  5. Nice work, Mike! I like those shields and the varied irregular look of the troops vert well done for such wee troops!
