Tuesday 26 March 2019

Wherein my seconds call on IannickM - Adjudicating the Prettiest Undead (SD12) Duel!

Sadly, adjudicating this last duel was sidetracked, as I finish the second to last step of moving from HerrRobert to HerrDoktorRobert. With that (mostly) finished, and my evil plot to seize the lordship of the statistics well underway, Iannick and I can meet at High Midnight. It's a suitably necromantic night here in Northern California, with thunder and lightning, pouring rain and the dead fleeing the flooding cemeteries for higher, drier ground.

Per the terms of the duel: 
We would like to nominate one figure we have completed during the Challenge as our best looking undead figure. We propose a post at the end of the Challenge, showcasing our fav undead figures, with the Challengers voting by comment on whichever figure they deem the prettiest.
Prize: Runners up provide a figure to the Winner
Iannick has three entries to choose from:
From these worthy contenders, his chosen challenger is his sexy AF liche:

Got to admit, as liche's go, he's pretty sexy. Pomponia would probably go for him.

I also have three entries to choose from:
While Pomponia is clamoring to be turned loose to do her worst, I nominate a wraith to wrap Iannick's liche in the warm embrace of my victory in this duel:

There you have it, Challengers! Be ye Team Liche, or be ye Team Wraith?

The Snowlord has graciously deigned to release you of your torrid obligation to declare your fealty below. Merely signal your allegiance in the poll to your left. Voting will close on Sunday.

Remember . . . .
Only YOU can choose the prettiest undead!

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