Wednesday 20 March 2019

From IannickM : A Liche and a Curtgeld (30pts)

One last post, at the last minute as is my tradition! 

First off we have Nathum Crane, a Liche and the general of my Oldhammer undead army. I've always been a fan of Liches as ultimate evil vilain, ever since my early days of D&D (I lost a wizard to one of them bastard in 1992). The immortal undead wizard, rotting in the depth of his dungeon, just speaks to me! They are now my go to guy when I *really* want to scare the living shit of my RPG players, and it works everytime! Plus there's no emo or sentimental vibe going on here, just pure malicious evil, which is not something than be said about his his famous undead sibling, the Vampire!

The figure I used is once again an old figure from the late 80s, this time from Marauder Miniatures. It's a classic really and I'm sure most of the challenge's old timers recognize it. I went with a deep red to tie him with the rest of the army, adding details in a classic "poison green". He's going to look good commanding my hordes of bones! I also have a duel with Robert for the "sexiest undead painting in the challenge" or something like that, and I believe he will be my chosen hunk! I mean look at him, he's sexy AF!

And to finish my challenge in style I submit my Curtgeld. I really didn't know what to paint this year, until I read Curt's February post about his current Dark Heresy campaign. When I read about the debauched aristocrat I knew I had the perfect figure!

Look at this guy?! Doesn't he
scream debauched aristocrat?

The figure is from a small Kickstarter started by a fellow Oldhammerer. The goal of the KS was to create civilians for Rogue Trader skirmish games, which is a definite blind spot in GW's 40K offerings. The figures are lovely and have a definite Dune vibe, as well as Rogue Trader. There's also a debauched Lady to go along with him, which I will include unpainted in the package (Curt you are going to love her, trust me).

I painted him in the livery of yellow and red, as described by Curt. I figure the aristocrat would have a golden yellow coat rather than mustard, you know being the 1% sort! Apologies Curt, I just couldn't bring myself to chase his coat in white! I didn't do the base so that you may match the style with the rest of his troops.

Hopefully the aristocrat is not yet dead in your campaign, Curt, and will return later on in the campaign, so that you may use the figure! 

So...Curtgeld still worth 50pts? If so, then that's a 60pts to close my challenge. 

Once again, thanks for hosting this event! I didn't reach my objective but I had a lot of fun as usual. My other challenge keeps me busy, but I think I managed much better than last year to balance my time between two challenges. Cheers, and congrats to all the challengers!


Oooh, what a brilliant brace of figures Iannick. That Liche truly is as sexy AF! (You know, I think it's the creepy staff. It's very slimming.) I LOVE the debauched atristo (and I NEED that link to this Kickstarter). Thanks so much! The fellow I wrote about has been duly ventilated BUT there are his family that the players have to contend with so this fellow will have a honoured place in the unfolding adventure. Thanks again Iannick.

As to points, I'm afraid Curtgeld is 20 bonus points, plus figure, so this entry will still log you in for tidy 30 points. 

- Curt


  1. Well, you do know that liches now have that emo or sentimental vibe going for them: They're kind of like the Guardian of the Holy Grail in Indiana Jones.

    Necromancy. It's not just for villains any more.

    He's classy, but not as snazzy as my wraiths or perhaps my skellie Captain. May not be able to choose.

    All kidding aside, you do have the warm yellow, orange, green and red palette down cold. Very snazzy.

  2. That's a great liche, but that aristocrat is magnificent!

  3. The aristocrat is fantastic. Great figure, beautifully rendered.

  4. Great job Iannick, some wonderful work here.

    And this line: "Plus there's no emo or sentimental vibe going on here, just pure malicious evil, which is not something than be said about his his famous undead sibling, the Vampire!"

    OMFG I was laughing hard!!! SO well said!!!

  5. Great looking liche! The aristo is totally brilliant!
    Best Iain

  6. Great work, love the Aristocrat. When I was in high school we used to refer to the owner of the local game store as "so and so the liche" based on his personality and marketing.
