Friday 12 March 2021

From GuyB: [The Golem] The Dwarven Golem (30 points)

Long ago, the now-abandoned mine was a hub of activity and wealth. The Dwarves had dug deep into the mountain and been rewarded with the great riches they had found. Gold, silver and gemstones - yet this was still not enough. Their true aim, to find adamantine, still eluded them. Nevertheless, they ventured ever deeper.

Envious eyes from other races saw rich picking to be had and soon raids began to rob the Dwarves of their hard work. So an engineer (whose name is lost to history) built the Golem to protect the mine. Wary of losing control of his creation, only he knew the command word to stop the machine. 

The Golem was a marvel. Not only did it defend the mine but could aid with the construction with its powerful arms. When the next attack came, the enemies were routed in panic, with no Dwarven losses.

However, fate can be cruel. The engineer soon after died of a mysterious malady. Without a master, the machine roamed the mine, attacking anyone with ferocity. Maybe some brave adventurers will one day able to defeat or outwit the golem. Until then, it waits, ever patient in the darkness.
(Miniature by Conqueror Models. I reckon this is a 54mm equivalent so 10 points plus 20 for the challenge. The story you get for free!).