Thursday 23 December 2021

From MartinC Lizardmen on the Move (110 Points)

Good morning all, hope you are settling in to the challenge. This year will be something of a departure for me, yes I will still paint loads as be somewhere near the top of the table until Miles drops an epic paint bomb with 45 seconds to go on the last day, but I have decided to paint 2 entirely different types of figures than my usual historical armies. 

There is one main reason for this, I'm running out of periods to paint, literally I am down to Napoleonics and despite loads of pressure from a gaming mate to do them in 28mm I am resisting (for now).

So I have decided to paint my 1st fantasy army since the 1980s. I have always fancied a Lizardman army and spotted some 3D printed figures from Sundered Studios . They were amazing and reasonably priced, unless you buy loads. So I bought loads.

1st up 14 blue skinks with blowpipes (there are 16 but I'd practiced on a few before)

The detail is amazing, these are the simplest figures I have - the others are spectacularly good

And I really love the 2 tone blue of these guys.

Always being interested in new and alternative suppliers I bought a box of Wargames Atlantic Lizardmen. These were disappointing, the sculpts are fine and they go together well but but is the 1st time I bought a plastic kit of figures with insufficient arms. They are mainly armed with firearms (and bolters) with only just enough spears and swords to do the 24 figures. Very boring and repetitive. Luckily other manufacturers have loads of spares and I raided the bits box and found 8 bare human arms with bows that worked perfectly.
Classical green jobs

Again 2 tone painting - you will see a lot of this - think it's one of the reasons I like Lizardmen

So that is 22 x 28mm figures at 5pts each, giving me 110pts and a sensible start.
I hope that you all have a good Christmas and happy new year.

Io Saturnalia



First, welcome back to the Challenge, Martin!

It seems fitting that our first paint bomb comes from you, well done! And individually based Lizardmen? How cool and Old Skool is this? I would have never guessed. I really like those vibrant blue Skinks. Who knew that 3D printing would change the hobby so quickly - it's astonishing really. (BTW, I'm going to add a few more points for the banners.) 

What rules are you building this force for?  I hear that they are bringing back The Old World, but at the rate you paint, and the speed of GW's R&D, you'd have all the armies done and still be tapping your foot for the rules to arrive.

Terrific stuff, mate.



  1. Splendid stuff, Martin. I was looking forward to seeing these as soon as you mentioned that you were doing them. They look excellent, and the different two-tone colour schemes do a good job of setting the two companies models apart, yet at the same time bringing them together into a single force of Lizardmen.

    1. Thank you, glad you like them. Fun to paint

  2. Very nice work! Lizard men are great!

  3. Cheers Curt. Not played Warhammer for 30 years but the army will be suited for that. Generally play KoW but the lizardmen for that are hot blooded. So will probably build as warhammer and play KoW and tweak the rules

    1. Right I remember you mentioning KoW in the past. I've not tried the rules yet, but Byron loves them as an alternative to Warhammer Fantasy. I assume you're going to make movement trays for them? You'll need scads for these upcoming blighters. :)

    2. They are a blast. Have the movement trays with steel sheets on them already and the figures have magnetic tape on the bottom.Highly recommend it and the historical version is really good

  4. Great looking lizardmen Martin, love the blues.

    1. Also what is the pricing like if they are cheap unless you buy loads? Do they have a special MartinC surcharge!

    2. cheers, I love the blues as well. They don't get more expensive but you spend alot when you buy loads of them

  5. Firstly, I chuckled at the fact that your first post is more points than my Challenge goal 🤣 Very nice Lizardmen indeed!

    1. THank you. i wouldn't worry about me, I paint very quickly as they don't get better if I paint more slowly. I'l be one of the 4000+ pointers. Tuesday gang for ever

  6. Well done Martin! Always enjoy your modest point scoring objectives *cough*

    1. Cheers, big fan of getting there the fastest with the mostest

  7. Awesome. Makes one want to invade Lustria!

  8. Splendid looking lizardmen! Lovely!
    Best Iain

  9. Some classic looking lizardmen. I was tempted by the Wargames Atlantic minis, I guess they're ok if you want to do both SF and Fantasy side by side?

    1. Cheers. The wargames Atlantic figs are ok, won't buy more but don't regret buying them

  10. Two tone paint schemes look really nice and lizardy.

  11. Nice work, Martin! I like the green ones quite a bit, but the blue ones are so vibrant and have great animation to them. I can almost hear the hisses!

  12. Oww, these are really nice! Very creative solution to the arm problem too, they look excellent. Good job!

  13. Nice work Martin, I hated playing against Lizardmen back in 5th Ed. buggers never ran away!
