Thursday 23 December 2021

From SimonM - "Games Workshop" Epic Black Templars - Istavaan V (36 points)

These 6mm scale plastic models of a Conqueror Robot, three Rhinos, two Land Raiders and ten Adeptus Astartes all used to be produced by “Games Workshop” as part of their now long out of production (OOP) “Epic” range. I actually acquired most of these figures second-hand, and as they had already been predominantly primed black by their previous owner, decided to paint them up as part of the Black Templars chapter.

Resultantly, they were all glued onto small “Flames Of War” stands by “Battlefront Miniatures” or wooden sticks, and given a coat or two of watered down “Citadel” Abaddon Black. I then had to decide which areas such as the vehicles’ door were going to be ‘picked out’ with “Vallejo” White, and, perhaps more importantly, whether I should try to actually pigment the space marines’ individual shoulder-pad ridges.

In the end I decided that my sanity would not survive such attention to detail, and ended up ‘simply’ applying a couple of coats of “Vallejo” White and a splash of Pale Grey shade to the armour of both the ‘Beaky’ marines, as well as the more detailed (and slightly larger) Mark VII warriors. Furthermore, alongside the Adeptus Astartes’ bolters, I determined that the vehicles would have all their weapons, tracks, handles, and hatches painted using a combination of “Vallejo” Gunmetal and “Citadel” Nuln Oil.

Only on the Chapter’s robot did I spend a little extra time giving the automaton a noticeably “Vallejo” White and Pale Grey giant power-fist. The heavily-armed machine heavy bolter and auto-cannon were initially layered with some “Citadel” Abaddon Black, before receiving some “Vallejo” Gunmetal and “Citadel” Nuln Oil. Whilst the killing machine’s eyes were dabbed with “Vallejo” Heavy Red, washed with “Citadel” Carroburg Crimson, and finally spotted with a little more “Vallejo” Heavy Red.

I believe this first of several planned “Epic” deployments during the AHPC will provide:

3 x Rhinos –6 Points

2 x Land Raiders – 4 Points

1 x Robot – ½ Point

10 x Space Marines – 5 Points

Istvaan V – 20 Points

Total – 35 ½ Points 


Ahh, it's wonderful to see some old school Epic stuff getting the love. Wonderful work Simon!  I like that you are using FoW bases as opposed to those hideous strips they foisted on us. I scored the Robot/Dreadnaught as 1 pt, same as cavalry. Are you doing several different 'Epic' contingents, or concentrating purely on the Black Templars? I look forward to seeing more of this project over the coming months!

Welcome back Simon!

- Curt


  1. Great work. Love the old school epic.

  2. Oh some really cool Black Templars there mate! Will you be doing some of these in 40K scale too? Anyway cracking stuff!

    1. Thanks SanderS. No WH40K planned. Just clearing through my Epic - so space marines, Khorne, other Chaos stuff, Squats, Eldar, Orks and a few Imperial Guard.

    2. More Epic goodness to come? That's even better mate! Cheers Sander

  3. Thanks Curt. I'm just using these models, along with a few others to come, as Black Templars because they were already primed with a thick black paint. I've already got some Space Wolves, Dark Angels, White Scars and Ultramarines on the painting table - as I want to field a combined Space Marine force. Plus some forces of Khorne ;-)

  4. Great looking templars. The black and white livery is very striking.

    1. Cheers StuartL. I was hoping for that 'mass effect' of black & white over losing my sanity to pick out all their shoulder-pad ridges LOL!!

  5. Great stuff Simon. I love the commentary on sanity vs detail. I thought the point of doing40K was to avoid saying sane, or is that just Greg!

    1. LOL, Peter. These days I'm very much about compromise to get things neatly painted and on the tabletop, verses specific details. :-)

  6. Splendid looking epic space marines force!
    Best Iain

  7. Painting black, especially in the small scale, can be difficult. Hopefully your sanity endures. :)

    1. Thanks Teemu. I've just got a few more Black Templar units to do, as I move through the second-hand minis previously primed by their last owner, and get to the untouched ones.

  8. These are really striking! Nicely done!

    1. Cheers Natasha. Simple stuff compared to some Epic stuff I've seen painted. But I'm hoping the mass effect of the infantry etc will make up for the lack of should-pad ridges and insignia etc.

  9. Love the classic epic line and you have spruced these crusaders up nicely, Simon! I can almost smell the burning promethium! 🔥
    I look forward to seeing more of this!

    1. Thanks David. I don't know what black paint was used on these fellows, but my goodness it was well-applied ;-)

  10. Always great to see Epic! Well done.

  11. Fond memories! The shoulder pads really help them pop.

    1. Cheers Barks. I didn't want to go too mad on the shoulder-pads, but the white definitely helps make the marines 'pop' as you say.
