Sunday 26 December 2021

From Pete F: Stargrave Crew land on Babylon 5 (65 points)


Babylon 5 is Operatic and/or Low Budget Fun - a perfect planet for a Stargrave Crew. Crews for this "Frostgrave In Space" game are 10 strong - but you only see 9 here. That's because I started the crew in the summer, completing only one of its members. To comply with the rules of Challenge I re-primed the remaining crew members before starting over.

The idea was to have a uniform colour scheme but individualize each crew member - I think it looks OK from 2 feet away! The clear bases have magnets in them so the crew can be easily transported - drilling a hole and gluing the figures without ruining the bases was, er, challenging for one of my skill level - thumbs seem to have become fatter in the last 12 months. Again, looking at them from 2 feet away and taking my glasses off seems to solve any problems.

I thought about saving the hacker and the assassin for when I need to use the Star Yacht - but they wanted to stay with their crew.

I'm really looking forward to finally playing a game of Stargrave - I went all in with the Nickstarter and got boxes of crew, mercenaries an troopers with a pile of other Northstar sprues as well as some nice metal minis. Several of my gaming friends are already playing it and like the game. One of them has a printer and a bunch of sci fi terrain so we'll be set for monsters and playing fields. Ten minis is a nice, low budget threshold to get into the game - any old sci fi stuff can work - I'm eying up the Wargames Atlantic lizardmen (Lizards. In. Spaaaaace!) and I've put together a few of their spiders holding laser/blasters (Spiders. In. Spaaaace!) to oppose this crew - going to have to start thinking about their background, the name of their spaceship and all that.

Nine 28mm figures and a new planet

9x5 = 45 plus 20 = 65 points

Squirrel:1 (Total:2)

Skullz:0 (Total:0)


A great looking band of interstellar miscreants. I especially like that hacker-type with the pink hair and dataslate. Tip on the clear bases. If you use superglue they have to be completely dry and you should be wearing nitrile gloves. Reason being that ANY moisture (even wicked from your fingertips) can cause the glue to frost. The less crazy-making method is to use this stuff:

Apparently made from the tears of orphans mixed with the saliva of West African newts. I dunno, but it works.

Again, a wonderful looking crew for your adventures in... Spaaaace!

- Curt


  1. Well done on these Stargrave travellers in spaaaaace. You’re a brave man go8ng for the clear bases. I’ve found that a cheap and stress free alternative is to avoid them like the plague.

    1. Yes, but what's the fun in that? Every hobbyist has to have their windmill to joust at.

  2. A fine looking crew, ready to face whatever hazards and perils the cold, dark void throws at them.

  3. Great crew Pete, you've done them up very well!

    Cheers Sander

  4. Fab work Pete F. You've nailed the link hair. Very cool.

  5. Thanks for the clear basing tips Curt!

  6. Great looking Stargrave crew! I think I'll be doing this too,as everybody else I play with are!
    Best Iain

  7. Good looking crew, uniformed, but still individual

  8. Nice work, Pete! They look like a team but diverse like the Serenty crew. I like them all, but the hacker model really shines.

  9. The group shot really pulls them together as a crew. Individually they are wonderful, but seeing them all together really makes sense. Great work!

  10. Very cool! I do hope to see more Stargrave.
