Sunday 26 December 2021

From Mark B: Dwarfs on Glorianthra (185 Points)

For my first challenge I wanted to land on the planet of Glorianthra on the outer rim. The challenge involved runes, heroes and quests… the answer had to be Dwarfs!

What better way than with some Oldhammer Dwarfs! These are Bugman’s Dwarf Rangers. The second incarnation of the regiment of renown (and in my opinion the best - but possibly that just reflects my age!) These are great characters with wonderful faces and proud beards. The runes are all the letter ‘B’ for Bugman’s a potent Dwarf brew created by the unit leader Josef Bugman.  The shields are hand painted with the foaming brew emblazoned on each shield.

Along with the 17 Dwarf rangers I added 9 Dwarf crossbows. I already had a small unit of these but these are the rest of the old school figures I had managed to pick up over the last few years on eBay and bring and buy sales at shows. Mostly Citadel miniatures with a couple of the slightly later Marauder sculpts.

Now to finish this planet I really needed a quest. What better quest than a death quest by a group of 
Troll and Giant slayers? 4 more crazed warriors hoping for a heroic death at the hands of a far larger beast! Mostly Marauder Miniatures with a rather ugly more recent Citadel figure with two axes, who frankly looks daft! The others in contrast are wonderful sculpts, especially the slayer with the eye patch and huge hammer!

So that’s 30 28mm figures = 150 points
The planet completed = 20 points
Grand total = 170 points

Something even smaller next time I think!
Mark B


Ahhh, like the saying goes: There's no school like old school. These are wonderful, Mark. I'm not a huge fan of Dwarfs by any stretch ('Dogs of War' all the way), but I still get a little misty seeing all these venerable models. I agree, the newer sculpts aren't nearly as characterful as the crazy-looking originals (love the eyepatch guy as well), so all the hunting and gathering has been more than worth it. 

I'm giving you 15 extra points for the hand painted Bugman shields. Lovely work that.

Welcome back to the Challenge, Mark!

- Curt


  1. Marvellous. I have a pile of old school dwarfs that need painting

  2. These old school Dwarf miniatures have so much more character than the newfangled GW output: awesome Mark!

    Cheers Sander

  3. Luv them. Dwarves are my favorite army.

    the shields are excellent

  4. Wow! Really nice Dwarfs. I can hear the chords of "Gold, Gold, Gold" already!
    I especially like work your on the shields. I attempt to handpaint mine, but they never come out as nicely.

  5. Who doesn't love Dwars (except Elves of course)? I like these Oldhammer models, bring back memories of the 80s when WFB was all the rage in my club

  6. Nice looking Dwarves Mark, love the shields.

  7. Great group of Dwarfs, loads of character in there, top job 👍

  8. Well done Mark. Another vote for the old school figures. Limited dwarf collector yet I have the same as some of yours early crossbow types and I do have the old maurader pike unit. My Empire dwarves with cut sleeves.
    I hope to get a few 2mm legions and warrior mobs done as well during the challenge.

  9. Lovely work on those "Stunties"- a word I have not uttered for some years :>)

  10. Cracking models, I had the white dwarf in which they were first advertised! Excellent paint scheme too.

  11. Splendid looking old school dwarves! They look great!
    Best Iain

  12. The dwarves are fabulous! I really like the expression you've captured in some of the faces. Well done!
    Cheers, Douglas

  13. Old school dwarfs, difficult to make any better decisions. Well done painting them!

  14. Nice work all round! Dig those shields

  15. Wonderful job, Mark! My only "finished" army are these fellows and that is solely because the oldhammer dwarves are so expensive! (I'd use dwarfs, but dwarves gets better scores in scrabble)
    Nice work on these classics!

  16. The dwarves are absolutely delightful! Such nice figures!

  17. Wonderful stuff, and well done on the shields.
