Thursday 3 February 2022

From KenR: Garibaldi Infantry Number 4 (120 points)


Well real life has got in the way for the last few weeks and I've fallen behind on the most important things, like the Paint Challenge ! So there have been no new units or me posting on other entries for a while.

I'm away myself this week so not my usual photos but I really wanted to get some points on the board and as today (when this is posted) is my Birthday I shall be out on the town on Thursday.

Those of you who have been following this project will no doubt be familiar with these figures by now, they are of course Gringo 40s Garibaldi Infantry range, these figs are in a marching pose.

Although there is no extended forward musket I've kept the deeper bases so the army is consistently based.

The unit is 24 figures on 4 60 x 60 bases and at 5 points a piece that will be 120 points towards my target, I've fallen a bit behind my required pace for 1500 points let's see if I can catch up a bit with a week off work.

At the end of the last post, Garibaldi was in Lazio with his main force whilst Enrico and Giovanni Cairoli attempted to take Rome with 70 men from the inside.

On the 22nd October 1867, one group seized the Capitaline Hill, whilst another exploded a mine under the Papal Zouave barracks killing 27 people. But their efforts were in vain, the uprising was put down and Enrico was killed and Giovanni was badly wounded when the remaining group was cornered in a fire fight on the evening of the 22nd. 

Garibaldi in the meantime with between 8 and 10,000 men had reached Tivoli where he waited for the outcome of the uprising to reach him. To be continued....

Hopefully I will manage a couple of units next week, with something different, the Dunne Battalion.

Happy Birthday, Ken! We have missed your red shirts. The uprising from within would make a great little alternative history game as Garibaldi's forces approach...


NB: Labels, people!


  1. Lovely work Ken. Have a happy birthday.

  2. These are terrific, great colours.

    1. Cheers Geoff, after 4 units I'm starting to get the hang of them now 👍

  3. Happy Birthday Ken! Very nice work on these again

  4. Fantastic stuff as ever Ken! And happy birthday!

  5. love this project, happy birthday

  6. First, happy birthday Ken! These look fabulous. I love the huge sun hats on these lads.

  7. Happy birthday, Ken! Good stuff as usual from you!

  8. Very nice, Ken! Happy birthday! :)

  9. Hope you have a great day! These Italians look magnificent.

    1. Many thanks I spent the day raiding second hand book shops in Edinburgh 👍

  10. Happy Birthday Ken! Hope you had a terrific day!

    1. Thank you Natasha,I spent the day raiding second hand book shops in Edinburgh 👍

  11. Splendid looking redshirts and I hope you had a great birthday!
    Best Iain

  12. Happy Birthday Ken I hope you had a great day! The troops look very nice!


    1. Thanks Christopher, I had a great day raiding second hand book shops in Edinburgh 😄

  13. These are brilliant Ken - every time I see the word Garibaldi it takes me back to my childhood - one of my pet hates was when somebody always stuck the Garobaldi biscuits in with the others in the time so Custard creams used to taste of Garibaldi - but I digress
    Great unit, have a good birthday

    1. I still can't get over the fact that the Garibaldi fought the Bourbons, Biscuit Wars 😆

  14. Always good to see your work, Ken. I keep thinking these are Redoubt figures. Same sculptor?
    Cheers, MikeP

    1. Cheers Mike, I'm not sure re the sculpter, they are a lot bigger than the Redoubt Figures so I'm not sure, I'll check with Gringo 40s next time I order
