Tuesday 8 March 2022

From ArthurS: The Last Post. (30 points)


Arthur says:

"This will be my last real post for the Challenge this year! I have set myself a points limit of 75 points and with this entry I will reach that goal. I have enjoyed joining you all for this year's Challenge and hope to join next year too.

For my last post I have painted up a Whirlwind tank for my Powerwings Space marines. Pssst, don't let anyone hear it, but since my hobby budget is rather limited, Dad printed me the main tank hull on his  3D printer and we put a real GW rocket launcher set on top. 

Apart from the Whirlwind I also would like to show you my first painted Blood Bowl figures. My team is the new Black Orcs team and here's one of my Black Orcs and a Goblin Shaman that can be used to summon down the Foot of Gork (or is it Mork?)  on the playing field. 


I am mighty proud of the Shaman since I think I really made the mushrooms work very well. They were painted in the rainbow colours to provide extra magical energy. 

Finally Dad also printed a scatter template and I painted it in my team colours as well. Now the vehicle (28mm) and the two figures (28mm) will net me another 30 points.

Thanks everyone for looking in  at my post!


Those are all great, Arthur. It's been a pleasure having you taking part in your own right this year and a shame that this is your last entry. You've done very well, and we look forward to having you back with us next year.



  1. Well done Arthur!
    I reallylike the Goblin Shaman, and you are absolutely correct in that colourful mushrooms are extra -magical

    It’s been a pleasure to be on Tuesday Tuesday with you, and I’m already looking forward to the next Challenge!

    1. Congratulations on meeting your points goal too!

    2. Arthur says: " thanks for the kind words, I like the teams colours of dark blue and orange but felt the shaman needed some more bright colours to liven him up!"

  2. Well done Arthur, these look great. I especially love the mushrooms.

    1. Arthur says:"thanks I am really happy with them myself "

  3. Your posts have always been delightful Arthur. I like how you and your dad stretched your hobby budget with the Whirlwind tank. Clever! I also think you did a terrific job with the mushrooms!

    1. Arthur says:"thanks heaps, I had a lot of fun painting those shrooms!"

  4. Clever shaman has surrounded him with mushrooms of all the colours of the magic, very clever! It has been nice to follow your Space Marine force growing and good to see you expanding to the Blood Bowl, one of the best games there are. Congratulations for meeting your target and waiting for the next Challenge!

    1. Arthur says:"thanks Teemu, I do love playing Blood Bowl, but in true Orky fashion I tend to loose track of the ball and scoring is secondary to beating the opposition to a pulp and yes dad helped me word this reply ;-)"

  5. Great work Arthur! Well done in the Challenge, and I hope we get to see your work again in the next edition!

    1. Arthur says:"thanks heaps it's been great fun and I do hope to be there next year!"

  6. Love those orcs- great work!

  7. Great painting Arthur, it was great seeing all your work this year.

    1. Arthur says:"thanks Ray, I have enjoyed your entries a lot too!"

  8. Great stuff Arthur, really nice painting and I hope you get a chance to finish the rest of your team soon so you and dad can play some games together and you get to show him who the best player is

    1. Arthur says:"thanks, while I don't think my Orks will score many touchdowns they will kick dad's team's but!"

  9. Excellent work Arthur, really like the goblin and his multi coloured mushrooms.

    1. Arthur says:"thanks for your kind words Peter!"

  10. Lovely painting Arthur. The Whirlwind is excellent and I think your Bloodbowl team is fabulous. I especially like the Shaman with his magic mushrooms. Congratulations on reaching your target! I hope to see you out with us next year.

  11. Hi Arthur - great job! As a fellow Blood Bowl coach I really love your Black Orc team. Good luck with finishing the rest of them and may they win you many Matches!

    1. Arthur says:"thanks heaps Curt, I am happy with how the Whirlwind turned out but like it's in-game effects even better. Hopefully I will have improved my paintingskills by next year and be able to surprise you with nice new stuff next Challenge!

  12. I like the colourful mushrooms!

  13. Arthur says:"thanks heaps!" Sander says we will post you a bag to enjoy for yourself! ;-p
