Thursday 5 January 2023

AndrewB- Spreading the Corniness to Sandal-Wearers! [Lady Sarah's Limousine] [Historical Drama] (70pts)

Hello!  My first installment this week(while more Star Wars silliness is going on my 3D printer) comes in a continued small project around Biblical/mythical Eastern Mediterranean fun!  I’ve been prepping miniatures for a series of skirmish games based on a silly version of Jason and the Argonauts(more on them later).  One of the villians of the 1963 film was a King Aeetes, who I’ve attempted to recreate here, along with some generic civilian figures as well, perhaps to represent previously unnamed Argonauts?  

Two of them look similar enough to perhaps be the twins Castor and Pollux, but the others will not be heroes named in the mythic text.  Maybe they’ll be Jason’s old Greek fraternity brothers Chad and Tyler.  Such remains to be seen, but will probably be entertaining.  I really couldn’t resist such goobers when the main character’s named Jason.  

The kind woman pictured here isn’t Jason’s wife(aptly named Madea, for those fans of the American films of the early 2000s), but maybe Courtney or Brandi?   We’ll have to figure that out.  Maybe Lady Sarah can decide, given she’s helping me transport myself to the Historical Drama section to cash in on the rest of these fools!   Speaking of which, more pictures!

No Aeetes in that one, just the nice folks who don’t try to raise armies of skeletons and whatnot.  

Points wise for this post, I’ve got six 28mm figures and the Historical Drama room, for 50pts by my reckoning   We’re gonna get through the challenge in our first two months this year, it’s going to be great!  More coming before Thursday!

From TeemuL: Good looking perhaps-argonauts! For the future, could you add a picture of your Studio map to the post, so it is easier to follow your path? I guess you are moving from Under Construction to Historical Drama with Limousine. I have added 20 points to your tally, since you 20 points for the Limousine, too. In addition I added "Sarah's Choice" tag.


  1. Neat work, I do enjoy adventures about Jason and the argonaughts!

  2. Excellent stuff. I've been listening to Stephen Fry read his take on Jason from his book Heroes on Audible recently - I recommend.

  3. Nice mix of figures, I especially like that you've gone above and beyond to give them all traditional names to add a real sense of authenticity.

  4. A fine group, Andrew, very nice!

  5. Good work. I have the same figure for the limo in the lineup.

  6. Great work on Chad, Tyler and friends!
    Best Iain

  7. Very lovely figures, but admittedly.. am wondering what SW figs you got printing ;)

  8. These are... wait for it... legen-dary.
