Saturday 14 January 2023

From RayR - The Artillery 2mm Almansa 1707 60pts


I was waiting for some figures to dry, so I could base them, so I thought I'd give some of the artillery needed for the battle a quick lick of paint. Somehow I ended up painting it all!
So here we have 10 bases, giving me 20 pieces of Portuguese artillery.

I looked high and low for what colour the guns should be, but couldn't find anything, so I went with natural wood.

With grey artillerymen

Next up we have the Spanish. 6 bases giving me 12 artillery

Blue guns and a dark blue uniform, can you see the red cuffs?
Me neither, coz I didn't paint them!!

Not sure why the French artillery look brown in this pic, they are red.
5 bases, giving me 10 artillery

Can you spot the deliberate mistake?

You might see it here better?
Answers on a postcard to..........

Lastly 3 bases of 6 English guns. 

So that my friends is both sides artillery for the Battle of Almansa

24 bases @ 2.5 points each
Total 60 pts

Your Almansa project continues to grow apace, Ray. Grow in terms of number of models done that is, not the actual scale. They are still sooo tiny. Well done getting all of your artillery batteries for both sides done in a single go. 


  1. 2mm and I thought 6mm was small. luvely brush work. when is your next eye appointment

  2. Superb Ray, what does each base represent a single gun?


  3. Nice guns, Ray! :)

    The "deliberate" mistake - you forgot to paint one of the limber teams?

  4. Very nice work, I’ll be interested in seeing what a game looks like once they all get on the table.

  5. Nice work Ray. One of your limbers appears to be pointing the wrong way. Deliberate or just trying to cover up something that you only spotted too late to fix?

  6. Nice orderly batteries! (Except that one...)

  7. They sure are tiny! Nice work,Ray! They are certainly a wee scale. Very good landscaping on the bases too!

  8. One can see you are a true wonder with handling very small things indeed Ray! ;-) No seriously, great work!
