Sunday 15 January 2023

From DallasE - Angels and Demons (B+W and Sarah's Limo - 65 points)

No it's not a ropey Dan Brown novel... "Angels and Demons" is the subject of my first Challenge post this week. This was a small project to get some models ready for a game last week. Our group has been playtesting an excellent new fantasy skirmish game called "Idols of Torment" - you can read more about it here, but it's a very cool concept and a super fun game. You only EVER need 8 models for your force, but there's a lot of excitement in the gameplay. Anyway, on to the models...

I needed to paint two angels and two demons for last week's game - these are essentially statues that animate during the course of the game and create chaos for the players. The angel models are conversions - I went to the local FLGS and bought two winged angel-types but after I got them home, decided I didn't like them. So I went back and got two more female fighter models and transplanted the wings from the original models onto them.

As the fighters had braided hair that would've prevented the wings from going on, I had to cut off the braids and do new hair with greenstuff. I think it turned out OK.

The poses of the fighters are great, aren't they! I think the outfits look suitably angelic too. The models were painted with acrylics, wings were drybrushed mostly but other bits basecoated and highlighted.

Had to do some greenstuff work on this model too.

The demons came out of the box of shame - I've had these metal Khorne Bloodletters for donkey's years and they'd never seen paint. So I thought I'd drag 'em out and paint them for the Idols game.

Bare asses of course :-)

Skin was painted Mephiston Red and highlighted with Evil Suns Scarlet. Brass is painted in with Brass Scorpion, the horns and claws are Mechanicus Standard Grey highlighted with Thunderhawk Blue.

Doing his best Gene Simmons impression...

The swords were painted a bit differently - taking a cue from some LotR models I painted in the last Challenge, I did these blades with a Corax White drybrush and a wash of Biel-Tan Green. I think they look pretty cool.

So in terms of points, that's five 28mm infantry for 25 points, plus 20 points for the B+W Studio. I'll use one of the female angels as fare for a trip in Sarah's limo - next stop, "Historical Drama" - the limo ride netting me an extra 20-point bonus. So that's 65 points total. See you at the next stop!

Absolutely love these, the angels are fantastic, great work


  1. Great work Dallas. I continue to envy your skill with the "green stuff". And those Bloodletters are classic.

  2. Really nice kitbashing on the angel.

  3. Excellent work with those two angels, Dallas. They look fabulous. It's also wonderful to see some of those old Bloodletters - love the swords. I have a few of the super-old serpentine ones that I should take a crack at sometime.

    1. Those original Bloodletters are indeed awesome models!

  4. The angels look great, and I alike the vibrant red of the demons, which goes very well with the swords. Great job!

  5. Really nice conversions on those angels. The classic bloodletters look really cool.

  6. Nice work on these, Dallas! :)

    Although somehow your minion has managed to publish your two posts in the wrong order (despite the other one having a clear "#2" in the title!).

  7. Both are superb , I envy your greenstuff ability

  8. Great paint work on both, angels and demons

  9. Some great old school demons there

    Cheers mattw

  10. They look very nice, Dallas. I like seeing the vintage khorne demons too. Those swords came out really well!

  11. Love those angels and really fine conversion work

  12. I can't choose between the ANgels or the Bloodletters which to like best both are really good!

  13. Great work on those angels, Dallas.
