Tuesday 7 March 2023

From MartinC: Another tale of Dwarfs and Hills (608pts)

 As we approach the end of the challenge it's time to finish off some stuff, namely massive terrain and Dwarfs

1st up the final big hill

This is made from a mix of 3" and 1" Kingspan insulation and is 6 foot long, 17" wide and 4" high. Once again I'm pleased with how it came out.

Like the other 3" hill sections the sides are very steep, although this one does have a path cut into it (trust me, you just can't see it). The aim is for people to climb it they have to take a "bogging" test, or the SAF test (steep or slippery). Overall it is 24x34x6 = 22.67 cubes or 453 points. No decimal points please, my .2 has annoyed me all challenge

Next up a unit of Dwarf cavalry on wild (furious) boars. Can't remember who made these, I bough them 2nd hand.

Love how dynamic the riders look

now we have 5 dwarf riflemen. 2 of these are GW and the other 3 are Oathmark with the addition of rifles from the Wargames Atlantic Lizardmen box

2 GW pistoliers

Love the Puritanical look

An original Citadel Dwarf town guard with a better shield. Had this since 1986 and finally painted him

One of the aims of the Dwarfs is to complete partial units i already had. From the 1980's I have 6 Dwarf Triarii and needed a couple more to complete them. These are Oathmark figs with Roman shields, Celtic standard and crests from the bits box

I also added a couple of cloaks from the bits box. Pleased with how they have come out

Finally my favourite unit of the entire challenge. This unit of  Dwarf riflewomen will be called the Toksvig Rifles as I think they all look like Sandy Toksvig, Danish comedian and national treasure in the UK. Famously she was in mission control as a child when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon.

They are from Etsy and joy to paint.

I love that they have axes instead of bayonets.

Scores on the doors

Massive hill =22.33 cubes = 453 pts
6 mtd Dwarfs = 60
19 foot Dwarfs = 95

total = 608 pts

Lovely dwarfs, Martin, and another bonkers hill. I can't promise on the decimal point thing - that's all down to the arcanery of the Spreadsheet of Doom....



  1. Amazing hill and lovely dwarves. Really like the Tostvigian refiles, miss Sandi on Bake Off and loved her on Tiny House Challenge.

  2. I love the Dwarves! Great submission today

  3. Nice hill matey - that’s more like it!

  4. Another huge and very useful hill Martin and I love the squad of Sandi's!

  5. Nice work, Martin! That is one big hill, surely worth a .8 extra! 🤣 I like the dwarfs a lot especially the etsy sourced rifleman. I like the varied units you have including the pig cav!

    1. thanks, lots of odds and sods in the dwarfs to finish off

  6. Great hill and I just love the Dwarves

  7. Great hill and love all the dwarves!
    Best Iain

  8. Wonderful! Love the Dwarf lassies with the musketoons. Great figures and well painted!

  9. Excellent stuff. The axe on a musket is fearsome Well done.

  10. Great collection, the cloaks are good. I love the Toksvig Rifles! I think you should have claimed 453.8 points for the hill though.

  11. That's a big hill! This post is nearly as much points as I've got for the whole challenge!

  12. That hill is huge! Loving the dwarfs

