Tuesday 7 March 2023

From AlanD - More Goths than a Cure Concert (200 points)

I've had a funny old challenge this year. I've been on long service leave (amazing - can recommend), but instead of painting masses of figures, I've used a lot of hobby time to think about some big projects, reorganise some storage and that sort of thing. Some of this is KenR's fault, as listening to his very entertaining Yarkshire Gamer's podcast has boosted my enthusiasm for the 'Reet Big' wargame, rather than the large skirmish sized battles I usually fight. As a result, I've been doing that thing that should only be attempted on long service leave: rebasing. My plan has been to use 50mm square bases to build up armies that can be used for To the Strongest, Impetus, Soldiers of Rome and other rank and flank ancients games I'd like to have a go at. The hairy blokes here will be used as Heruls, Gepids, Goths and whatever else seems appropriate.

Of the figures here, only 40 were actually painted in this year's challenge, so I'm claiming 200 points please Tamsin. They are a mix of Westwind, Footsore, Gripping Beast plastics and Wargames Atlantic, and I'm pretty pleased with they way they look en masse. I did have one varnishing disaster as 10 figures turned white when I sprayed them, thanks to Sydney humidity, but I managed to same them by recoating them with gloss and trying again under better conditions.

This will be my last submission for the challenge this year as I'm off to Madrid for a holiday. Thank you Curt and the Minions for making this madness possible, and to all the challengers (challenged?) for the inspiring entries you all keep coming up with. Especially those involving turnips.

They certainly look great, Alan! Sorry to hear that this will be your last entry of the year, but I hope you have a wonderful break in Madrid.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great work Alan and those closely packed deep bases look really good

  3. Great looking horde of infantry. The rebasing looks like it was a success.

  4. Great finale - Alan if you are coming to Madrid and have the time, give me a shout and I'll invite to some tapas!! Can reach me at gce.mail33 add gmail.com. BTW invitation extended to any Challenger visiting my home city

    1. If I ever get there I’ll take you upon that!

    2. You'll be very welcome. We have been dining twice I think with Curt and Sarah in the past, during their trips to Europe

    3. Highly recommended. :)

    4. Thank you Benito! That's a very kind offer. I'll be in touch.

    5. Contact made and hopefuly we'll meet in person on Friday

  5. Love ‘em. Going out big and Gothic!

  6. Fabulous work Alan! I love the massed look of all these very angry hairy chaps. The command stands look wonderful as well. Great shields too! Have a terrific vacation to Madrid. Sarah and I have been fortunate to visit it several times and have always enjoyed it immensely. Bon Voyage!

  7. Nice work, Alan! I like the color and multi role for these barbarian troops. That is a great mix of manufacturers and color!

  8. Lovely entry, go mad in madrid, best wishes

  9. Splendid looking Goths!
    Best Iain

  10. Good job, Alan! Enjoy your holiday!

  11. Fabulous work Alan. Have a grest holiday.

  12. Nice work Alan have a great holiday
