Tuesday 7 March 2023

From SanderS: The last post! (190 points)


Dear Challengers, if you do not fancy a sentimental post please skip this one, because it will get emotional.  This will be my last post this Challenge which is mainly due to two reasons: firstly I have to pack up my man-cave in order for a building crew to get going with our home renovation and secondly because my painting juices have drained after my Dad passed away. Last Saturday we laid him to rest and  while he was sick, Dad passed quite suddenly and even though I thought I would be able to keep painting as a distraction from it all, I find myself really tired and not able to find my mojo. Most figures shown here were already mostly finished and I only had to put the last strokes of the brush to them. 

Let's start with some 25mm Old School DnD figures.


My friend Martijn (main sponsor of miniatures and main beneficiary of this post) will get these to give away at the DnD sessions he's hosting at his shop to players who have no figures. These figures I obtained in a big lot from ebay that contained a lot of old fantasy figures amongst which were a lot of old metal GW figures.

  Specially for Greg, I have converted and painted one of my Horus Heresy Dark Angel Praetors, I am really happy with how he turned out. This is basically the Praetor with the double-handed weapon from the Age of Darkness boxed set which I gave a Terranic Greatsword and a pistol as well as a hooded head to tie in more with the Dark Angel esthetics. For the same reason I gave him a Scribor resin shoulderpad featuring a lion, making him a Calibanite Dark Angel.


 After these rather random figures it's time for one last stop in my Studio tour, I had rather liked to stay in a bit longer and visit more halls but it isn't to be. So I will visit the World Cinema with Stalingrad! This battle has been put on the big screen several times but the one I like best is the 1993 version.

These WW2 Russians from Warlord's Stalingrad set, are also for Martijn . I have painted them up as demo army for the store and these are the last of the Russians. A few Germans still remain undercoated till after the renovation. 


There's also a Panzer IV in the big box and I have painted it up to go along these chaps, you'll notice that it is lacking markings, this is mainly because I didn't have any but also because Martijn and myself still have to decide what unit the vehicle will belong to.


With this last post I am well shy of my 1000 points target, but that would always have been a problem this year due to the renovation. So I am happy with what I have finished this season and will strive to come back with a vengeance next year. As to the calculation of the points I calculate the following:

3 DnD figures 15 points

1 Praetor (4 skullz by the way) 5 points

22 Russians 110 points

1 vehicle 20 points

Studio bonus 20 points

Is 160 points total. 

Next year I will surely do some sort of tribute post for my Dad, but I can't do it just now it's a bit too fresh and I want to take my time to come up with something fitting and not hurry it. Have a good last few weeks everyone!

Cheers Sander


It's a shame we won't get to see more from you this year, Sander, but we all understand the reason. Your arithmetic was slightly off - the total comes to 170 points, and as the D&D figures are a gift for Martijn I'm going to give you the Gift Shop bonus points for them, so that's 190 points total for this post.



  1. Hi -Sorry to hear about your dad Sander. Grieving is always difficult, we each do it in our own way and are affected in different ways. Its an individual journey and we all travel through it at different speeds and struggle in different ways. Its normal to feel lost and overwhelmed early on and at other times and sometimes even get a bit stuck. Seeing family upset is also hard to bear. Just do the best you can, let yourself get upset and share your feelings with those you love rather than conceal them by trying to be strong for others.If you pretend, they have to pretend. I know feelings soften with time and we eventually find a way through somehow, but its hard. Take care of your self in the coming months and at some stage the good times and memories of your dad will start to shine through. Best wishes

    1. Thank you so much for these words they really help!

  2. Sander, I am really sorry for your loss. I hope you are OK. These figures are great. Now go and spend time with your family

  3. Lovely brushwork as ever mate. I particularly like your old school D&D stuff, that hits me right where I live. Nice!

    Really sorry to hear about your loss. Your Dad clearly was a big part of your life and I know from our interactions he would be immensely proud of the son he raised. Great choice of tune, I'll raise a glass in his honour and crank up the volume!

    1. Millay your words mean a lot, thank you!

  4. Sander, we are all so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you can take time and find solace with your family and memories of Dad, and, when the time comes, with a little time on the paint brush.

    And your brushwork is fine as ever! That Dark Angel totally looks, the part, ominously equipped, and bearing a demeanour in which he could be leading like, three separate political agendas simultaneously...

    All the best Sander, and we look forward to hearing from you again when the time comes!

    1. Greg, Dad was a great supporter of my hobby and has taken one of my figures along with him in his final resting place. We have so many fond memories of us together so I will be able to remember him in the best of ways.

  5. Nice work all around, Sander! The Russians are very nice especially for a demo army, I like the basework on them. The DnD figures are very fine too. I most like the conversion work and brush on the dark angel and the panzer too is top shelf.
    I am sorry for your loss. It is okay to grieve, but remember to focus on new adventures and sights. You will then have wonderful stories to share when you meet your dad again.

    1. Thanks David, that is sound advice and I will try to take it to heart

  6. Lovely work Sander, especially as all of these are thoughtful gifts. You and I briefly spoke regarding the loss of your father, but I want to extend again our heartfelt condolences during this very difficult time for you. I think it's a very good thing to take a step back to allow yourself the time grieve, reflect and celebrate his life. I look forward to seeing you with us for the next edition.

    1. Curt, you give me too much credit: these are not all gifts. The DnD figures are indeed a gift but the Russians are part of a commission and the Dark Angel isn't for Greg but more dedicated to him seeing as to how he is painting such a grand HH army himself and has inspired me. I will surely take part next year!

  7. So sorry for your loss, Sander. Grieve well and look after yourself.

  8. Excellent brush work Sander. Very sorry for your loss and wish you all the best. Take care and embrace things that make you happy.

  9. So sorry for your loss Sander you but glad you could participate this time around. The figures you’ve given us are all wonderful and striking in their diversity. Looking forward to seeing you again next year

    1. Thank you Simon, we will meet again next year!

  10. Great final flourish. Sorry to hear your sad news . Thoughts with you and your family

  11. Such sad news, my thoughts are with you.

  12. Really sorry for your loss, my condolonces to you and the family. This is a great last post in any case, and I appreciate your effort to put it forward today. Take a break, spend quality time with the family and hope to see you again here next December

    1. Thanks for your kind words I will look forward to seeing you all again next year.

  13. Lovely figures, really nice painting.
    Sorry for your loss, after my dad died I took some of the money and bought the basis of my great Italian wars collection so that when I painted or played with them I'd think of him, seemed to work for me!
    Best Iain

    1. That is a brilliant idea Iain and Dad would love it. I will try and think about what project he would approve of most.

  14. Great work as always Sander. But that’s not too important right now. Mijn diepste medeleven, Sander, ik heb het zelf een paar jaar geleden meegemaakt en het is heel erg verdrietig. Probeer af en toe wat tijd voor jezelf te hebben, denk vooral veel aan hem en steun (op) je familie. Je hebt ongetwijfeld veel goede herinneringen, daar ga je nog veel aan hebben. Heel veel sterkte!

    1. Dank Martijn, die woorden zal ik zeker ter harte nemen.

  15. So sorry to hear about your Dad Sander. Lovely work and a bunch of fine gifts

  16. Great figures Sander. I'm so sorry to hear your sad news, my condolences to you and your family.

  17. My sincere condolences on you loss, Sander.

  18. My condolences Sander, best to take some time out for family and to recharge. All the best for 2023

