Thursday 16 March 2023

From ScottC: 15mm Emperors Children (96 pts)

I felt the desire to dive back into my 15mm Emperors Children.

9 Palatine Aquilae with jumpacks and phoenix swords
5 Palatine Aquilae with jumpacks and phoenix spears
1 palatine aquilae seargent
1 palatine blade without jump pack
2 xiphon fliers
2 javelins
3 landspeeder proteus
4 assault marines with power maul

20x 15mm infantry = 40 pts
7x 15mm vehicles = 56 pts

From TeemuL: Lovely Space Marines, I guess 15mm is much better scale to play this game. Very nice colour choices and I like the purple a lot - and the reddish ground! And you have already passed your target, too. Well done!


  1. Nice work on these guys. They must be tough if they're wearing lavender.

  2. Excellent looking naughty space marines!
    Best Iain

  3. Wonderful looking bad boys, Scott. 15mm is such a great scale for 40/30K.

  4. Lovely purple, and I like the blue jump packs!
