Thursday 16 March 2023

From SteveA: Thorsday Ragnarok with Dirk The Daring, and some dead guys (45points)

For my final post in this year's AHPC challenge,  my first foray into joining all ye fine painter people participating in the AHPC has seen me stare into the abys that is my piles of long undone miniature shame  and raise my paint brushes high to slay some old grey.

I may not have reached my lofty painting points ambitions, but even in falling short on points I am riding high on the satisfaction from adding some new minis to my display shelves, with my old painting passions rekindled and ablaze anew from this year's challenge.

The final feature I shot at AHPC studios is a 1980s style flick,  a miniature interpretation of the original 1983 Dragon's Lair Video (laserdisc) game.  ( Available now on Steam)

Some of you may recall Dirk The Daring, and some of you may have also disappeared more than a many few quarters into Dragon's Lair at the Arcade  to see Dirk battle foes, dodge traps, slay the  Dragon and rescue Princess Daphne.

Sometime last year I was watching one of the YooToob videos by the 'Miniature Hobbyist' and I learned this model was available as a 3D print from Thingiverse  (Search Thingiverse for 'Dirk The Daring'), and  I felt the ghosts of nostalgia call to me, so I called ByronM to hit him up for a print job.

At about 6.5 inches and without a supporting game rule set, I suppose Dirk is more a display model than a mini, but Dirk will be homed in my miniatures display cabinet because painting Dirk gave me a new appreciation for how many layers of paint an action figure sized model needs to obtain solid color, and for how easily on a larger model errant brush tips accidently add unwanted color  driving a surprising amount of repaints and corrective touch-ups.

During the challenge many a model in my old stables received a new dab of paint or two on the long path to done but far from complete, a few had a paint job go sideways, while others just fell short of moving out of the in progress pile to the display shelf.

What last crossed the finish line for this challenge is these 3  Undead Warhammer Fantasy battle minis out of my long queue of paint overdue.

The Tomb King is cast from the GW variety of 1990s pewter, and the  Zombie may be old enough to be from when GW still cast with lead.  The skeleton was build from the first GW Fantasy battle Skeleton horde box. 

I will wrap up my final post this challenge with a nod to the comments TeemuL provided me on my first post  -  (noting how my old  green Citadel paints  dated back to when the minis in White Dwarf  often featured green trim bases),  so rather than sticking to my black trim base scheme, my oldest GW Zombie mini now done gets an olde tyme citadel snot green edged base.

28mm undead Foot Figure x3
    Tomb King           5 pts 
    Skeleton Solider   5 pts
    Zombie                 5 pts 

Dirk The Daring,  
- display model 6.5 inches high (score as 54mm Foot Figure) 10 pts 
- AHPC Studio 1980s   20 pts

Total 45 pts

I enjoyed seeing everyone's contributions to this year's challenge!

From TeemuL: Oh, the moment in spotlight - I actually have affected how some one paints. :D

Jokes aside, I do like the old GW undeads and you have painted them well - including the green trim on the base. Dirk the Daring is familiar to me, not from Arcade Caves, but from some home video/computer game system. I remember the character and that it was very difficult... You have painted him well, matches the original.


  1. Loving the old war hammer stuff Steve

  2. I had never heard of Dirk the Daring, but you’ve done him proud and the classic GW models are ace!

  3. Excellent. I remember Dirk the Daring from the Amiga version of the game (now, that dates me!).

  4. Excellent looking old school warhammer figures, I like your Dirk figure, even though I don't know who he is, my last computer game being space invaders when it first came out!
    Best Iain

  5. Excellent! Love the Dirk figure.
