Monday 15 January 2024

From DaveV: Star Wars Reinforcements (Overdue and Returns) (72 points)

My first entry is under  the Topic Overdue and Returns. I finished these during the week after New Year's. 

Both Mara Jade, The Emperor's Hand, and the Imperial All-Terrain Personal Transport (AT-PT) have been sitting around primed for months.

Mara Jade is a  resin 3D print from AnvilRage Studios, printed by Wargames 3D on Etsy. She is part of a set of 5 female Jedi, but I liked the pose; she looks like she's burning through a blast door like Qui Gon Jinn. I will be using her to represent Mara Jade, a character who first appeared in the Star Wars Legends novel Heir to the Empire, by Timothy Zahn. 

After zenithal highlighting, I taped a plastic baggie to the figure, cutting a hole for the lightsaber blade, which I had previously hand brushed pure Vallejo white primer. I airbrushed fluorescent green onto the blade in several very thin coats, giving the effect of a glowing blade. I underpainted the figure in acrylics, and did some blending and detailing in oils. 

Below. Mara Jade with her nemesis (and future husband, according the the Star Wars Legends books and comics), Luke Skywalker (which I painted a couple of years ago).

The AT-PT is a PLA 3d print from Bohimso on Etsy. It represents a vehicle from the Dark Force Rising video game. The filaments do not give as smooth or detailed a model, but is quite serviceable for tabletop game play. After zenithal highlighting, I painted the model in a few grey tones, then went to town with washes, sponges, and weathering powders, to make it look like an Imperial Remnant vehicle.

Only Mara Jade and the AT-PT count for the Challenge. 

In a fit of energy, I also completed some other figures, all from Atomic Mass Games. The 14 Rebel Troopers, 7 Fleet Troopers, and the Imperial Officer were in various states of completion by local painter Steve Brown when I acquired them from him. I did some detailing, flesh washes, finished the groundwork, sprayed clear coats, etc. 

Not my work, but still, that's an additional 22 models for the Fawcett Avenue Conscripts' Star Wars Campaign and my expanding Legion-scale Star Wars collection (now over 350 painted miniatures and vehicles). Inspiration; that's one of the things the Challenge is about, right?


One 40mm figure = 7

One 1/47 scale (40mm) vehicle = 25

Lady Sarah  Bonus = 20 

Overdue and Returns = 20

Total = 72 points

24 models added to my collection = Priceless


Sylvain: Dave, your Star Wars collection is growing exponentially and it's a great pleasure to watch. I also know how much love you invest through your brushes into each of the miniature that lands on your paint desk. Over the years, you obviously developed uncanny techniques, especially with your airbrush.  Mara Jade's light saber is just glowing! You give me more reasons to visit Winnipeg in the (near?) future.

The AT-PT looks a little rough, as you mentioned, but the paint job you did brings out the important aspects of the model: it's Star Wars and it's a f&%ing walker! I'll be looking forward for your next submission!



  1. Lovely work. You've got a great graduation of the glow on the lightsabre.

  2. Great work on a ton of SW figures. Love the green glow on the lightsaber.

  3. Fantastic work on the lightsabers. Your refurbished force looks great. The flayed man on your table is suitable horrific. 3d print?

    1. Thanks very much! RE: Flayed man: Yes! That and the ballet dancers and other Venetian masked figures are the Vain faction for the new horror skirmish game Idols of Torment.

  4. Lovely brushwork, Dave! As several have commented, the lightsaber is ace. 350 figures and vehicles now?! Wow. Impressive... Most Impressive.

    1. Thanks! To be fair, I have commissioned a lot of that. The main heroes and villains, though, I have tried to do on my won.

  5. Great work in Ms Jade Dave and that light sabre is first rate

    1. Ps I’m hoping we’ll get to see the creepy ballerina!

    2. Thanks! That's the plan. The ballet dancers and other Venetian masked figures are the Vain faction for the new fantasy horror skirmish game, Idols of Torment.

  6. Great job on these models Dave!

  7. Great entry, Dave, I ‘ll echo the praise re. the lightsabre, splendid!

    1. Thanks very much! The key is the pure white undercoat and very, very thin coloured layers over top.

  8. The walker has a serious business look on it.

    1. Thanks! I used some new "burnt vehicles" weathering powders.

  9. really nice work, some real skill with the painting my friend, love the walker and the extra work on the light saber was well worth the effort

  10. I like the walker and the lightsaber glow, and particularly the earthy tones on the rebels.

    1. Thanks very much! I credit Steve with the base paint on those Rebels.

  11. Lovely work, the lightsabre is superb and who doesn't love a good walker 👏

    1. Thanks very much! Can't have enough walkers!

  12. Walker and light saber are fabulous. Well done Dave you have an impressive collection.
