Monday 15 January 2024

From JimG: Heading to Section 6—Sarah's Library Cart and Oversize Books (125 points)

This week we're starting with a ride on Sarah's Library Cart from the Entrance to Section 6. To get there we're being assisted by Olivia the Female Cleric from Reaper Bones.

Not really much to say about this miniature. She's a Reaper Bones from their second kickstarter, painted up in a pretty basic slap-chop style. 

Once we've made it to Section 6, we have a project I've been working on steadily since this challenge started: Games Workshop's Battlezone Mechanicus – Ferratonic Furnace. 

This thing is huge. The footprint is 12"x12" and the second level sits approximately 6" tall. The chimney pipe thing in the middle then goes up another 6" or so, though there's a lot of space underneath so I'm just counting this as fitting in 4 6"squares for 80 points total.

I've included the Votann mini I painted the other week here for scale. This thing is seriously huge.

Being a piece of terrain in the Grimdark Future, I painted this up using a variety of overbrushes and washes. In my personal headcanon the Mechanicum is not very good with maintenance, and everything is covered either in rust or a thick patina of verdigris. 

I've also taken to using vinyl flooring tiles covered in various sands as basing materials for these larger 40k pieces.

I've got another Ferratonic Furnace kit that I'm currently kitbashing with a few other 40k terrain kits—hoping to have it done for the DIY section some time later in the competition.

28mm footsoldier = 5 points
Sarah's Library Cart = 20 points
4 6" Squares of Terrain  = 80 points
Oversize Books = 20 points
Total = 125 points
Sylvain: Your female cleric seems to convey these two message in equal measure: "I can help you", "I can kill you". Very nice work on her clothes. And the piece of scenery is very impressive and appropriately rusty, as required by any WH40k settings. Next time, please, put a little ruler beside your piece of terrain, to help with estimating the size.
Now let's see how many lives will be lost defending or storming that structure... 


  1. Lovely bit of terrain, just wondering how many skulls it is festooned with.

    1. Oh! I forgot about the skull duel! I probably have close to 30 on that piece.

  2. really nice terrain piece it is huge and a perfect fit for the oversized book.

  3. I like the scenery with basing! I would have thought the vinyl would be too flexible?

    1. It's a little flexible—especially on this piece. The tradeoff however is that it's cheap and easy to cut with a pair of shears.

  4. Nice work, the terrain piece will make a great centerpiece to any table.

  5. Great looking furnace. That is a huge terrain piece and you did a great job of it.

  6. I think the cleric would feel like home at the furnace. Very nice painting on the cleric and huge respect for finishing that monster terrain piece with gazillion gw-details. :)

  7. Really nice choice of colours on the cleric. That terrain peice is bonkers.

  8. Sorry about the measuring faux pas. I'll put a ruler by the next piece.

  9. That's a big bit of terrain and that's a cool figure 😎

  10. Great terrain and cleric. Both are well done.
