Saturday 13 January 2024

From PaulSS - Some ACW scenery - 40pts

A couple of years ago I noticed that chum Richard was selling a Renedra ramshackle barn that had been sat in his pile of shame for a a few years so I purchased it from him, and as is the way with these things it just sat in my own pile of shame.

Over the break for the Holidays, enthused by the unit of Confederate infantry I was painting I decided it was time to break the barn out of the pile and get it sorted.

It was a very quick build and was soon ready for a spray of primer, followed by a coat of Contrast Wyldwood on the walls and Black Templar on the roof, I also added a liberal splash of Militaruim Green for mouldy patches. Once dry I added some brown shades to the walls and grey shades to the roof. 

The kit comes with some nice extras like an abandoned wagon wheel, a pair of ladders and a pair of pitchforks. I also added a base and some plant growth up the barn using Woodland Scenic bushes. 

All in all it's about a 6" cube for scoring.

Suitably enthused for adding to the ACW terrain I ordered some fences from my local gaming store, which luckily for me is the gaming Megastore Noble Knight Games.

They had in stock one pack of the Renedra Cross & Rail Fencing which although are a pain to build they do take a relatively simple paint job well. A spray of dark brown primer then a couple of highlights.

I also picked up their last three packs of the Renedra Worm Fencing. These are OK but have some horrendous mould lines and don't fit together that well. As I was building them I decided that they would benefit from adding some uprights in the angles and also making some of the ends taper off. 

In the end, for the six pieces I did three "middle" sections, two sections that taper off at the left end and two sections that taper off at the right end.

The fence sections are all about 12" long each.

My claim for this submission is two 6" terrain cubes at 20pts each.

Shame pile transfer is a thing, and kudos to you Paul for getting these small projects done. I always find that this is a great way to spend a quiet afternoon and the satisfaction felt is often out of proportion to the effort. The barn looks awesome and along with the fencing will really bring the flavour to your ACW battlefields. Funny you mention Noble Knight as I had the opportunity to visit there (twice!) last fall on my drive to and from Chicago. An interesting store but I have to say I was slightly disappointed with the "shopping experience" - there isn't much to browse through, for all of the old stuff you have to go on the computer, write down your picks, give it to the sales person and wait while it is fetched from the warehouse. Just like Consumers Distributing used to be here in Canada. They do have some awesome OOP stuff (just ask GregB about that) but you don't get much more buzz out of being there in person than you do from mailorder. Having said that, saving the cost of shipping is always welcome!

Good stuff here and you get 40 points for two cubes.



  1. Very nice work on the terrain. The weathering on the barn is excellent. I bought and sold stuff to Nobel Knight. I can only imagine how bad it would get if they were nearby.

    1. Thank you Tom. Now I've learn some self restraint, it's really handy to just be able to order stuff, drive over and get it.

  2. very nice. looks quite realistic colours

  3. Great looking terrain, these will add a lot to any game.

  4. That barn is a lovely piece. The little details outside help it seem 'real'.

  5. Great looking scenery Paul -- "I love what you've done with that barn" (insert more home decorating show cliches here!)

  6. Nice terrain, Paul! It would have been nice to see them all together. But yes, very good looking wooden constructs.

    1. CheersTeemu, unfortunately my photography area is limited to about 35cm square

  7. @Dallas, thank you, they do have so much stock it would be hard to have it all out on display and I think it would soon degenerate into a rummage sale.
    Although the days when they have the cave open can turn up some good finds.

  8. Wonderful terrain here Paul! Really looks the business even if that barn took a while to get started on (something I am sure many of us suffer with). Top work!

  9. I love the barn; doing it up in wyldwood really increases its real estate value I guess, but the effect is very good. The little details like the clump foliage really add to it. And no ACW battlefield can exist without those fences. Great set together!

  10. the barn is a stunner but all the scenery will help bring the battlefield to life, I spent Thursday night fighting the battle of Pea rigde , so much fun. This year we are going to fight our way through the battle of the acw. which should be a hoot.

  11. The barn is absolutely fantastic Paul. I’m amazed contrast was the main. Well done with all the bits and bobs.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Awesome terrain, going to make a fine looking table 😀
