Saturday 13 January 2024

From SebastianR: Rolling up to the [Front Desk] (22 points)

This might seem like a laggardly first entry, especially when you consider that it consists of only a single mini, and a 8mm one at that, but I have been painting consistently since the 20th. Ok the 21st or so. The thing is, like previous years, I have done a lot of the challenges out of order for one reason or another.

I really did start this challenge with the attitude that I would focus purely on getting the backlog done, but as time wore on I realised that more and more things I needed to paint fit the criteria of various library locations, if only I could buy myself time, and a few space fillers.

But you don't care about my process. Here's a Legions Imperialis Predator.

And y'know, s'fine.

Not only was this a newly acquired miniature from the newly delivered Legions Imperialis it was my first time working with contrasts, and yeah, that also works fine. I think there's some trick to them that I haven't mastered yet.

Unlike Martjin [I think you mean GregB?] I don't have a lengthy and amusing rant about the system, the models, or Games Workshop's business practices, but I do suspect that the only thing preventing buyers remorse is the fact that I got the beginner box at a knock down price with some store credit at my FLGS. It has inspired my to play Epic in general for what it's worth.

The reason that only one vehicle is appearing in this post is that this was supposed to be a test paint, so worried was I of scale fade and the newly acquired paints. In the end I put contrasts on four vehicles, three predators and a freebie model of the month from GW.

From left to right, Ork Flesh, Absolution Green (army painter), Absolution Green/Black Templar, Absolution Green over "light" grey. (N.B. The colours aren't coming through particularly true).

The final entry actually looks like Dark Angels green, the colour I was trying to avoid as it just looks black at game distances. Honestly, I think I've hit a relatively good compromise between out the bottle convenience and colour even if it is maybe a bit light.

2 points for the vehicle and 20 for the location. Simples.

Not gonna lie, the model-painting-points to bonus-points ratio has (I'm pretty sure) set a new Challenge record. HOWEVER, I do like this model, and congrats for getting ANYTHING from Games Workshop at a discount. LI is certainly very cool and I'm looking forward to more of it from you!

Can I ask a favour though? In your posts next week could you please type in the number and scale of models that you painted for the entry? It really helps when I'm inputting the scores. Thanks!

Twenty-two points to open your ledger sir!



  1. Similar to your nicely finished tanks, I have been using contrast paint on BattleTech models. For some of the colors I drybrush a very light highlight of Vallejo Deck Tan or Ivory to bring out the edges of the panels more. Love your "Returned" stamp on the library locations.

  2. Smart looking predator, well done.

  3. Nice work and looking forward to more.

  4. Splendid lil' tank Sebastian. I've given up trying to get the right colour on little tanks an now just weather them enough so they look about right.

  5. Contrast paints and Legions go together very nicely. And this really works. Can't wait to see more of your works!

  6. What was the final choice? Absolution Green over white? Is this Sons of Horus?

    1. Yes, the Absolution Green. And it's supposed to be Dark Angels. Post Heresy scheme because I didn't want to have them in black (for aesthetic reasons, not painting black issues)

  7. That’s a nice little tank, Sebastian! And never mind the small entry, you’re past the post now, well done. (and Dallas is right, the rant was Greg’s not mine. Though I feel his pain 😉)

  8. Now that's how you get 22 points to funny my friend. Nicely done. three posts is very good

  9. Sweet little predator Sebastian. The contrast paint looks great.
