Thursday 11 January 2024

Thor's Day Running on Four Cylinders

It is not that cold anymore here in Finland, actually just below 0C and it was above for two days. But it is getting colder again. Luckily we Finns are quite familiar with coldness, we know what we are doing. Just like the Formula 1 ace Kimi Räikkönen during his long and eventful career. Kimi had a nickname Iceman.



The feeling of ”Leave me alone. I know what I’m doing.”

This typically Finnish attitude was made famous by the Iceman himself, Formula 1 driver Kimi Räikkönen. We feel he quite nicely sums it all up.

----- End of Finn talking about Finland -----

I believe Kimi had more than four cylinders on his race cars, but while I'm writing this, there are four ready posts for this Thor's Day. More will come, I'm sure, but how many?

  • Martijn has some new Anglo Saxons or are they just vikings in disguise?
  • James starts his Challenge with some beastmen and robodogs, sounds savage
  • Ray joins us as well with some Donnybrook, but no floppy hats
  • Bruce then shows us some naked skin in his fantasy library..
P.S. I didn't bbq last week...


  1. Ha, we just had three days of sub zero temperatures, which hadn’t happened since 2021. It might seem tropical to you, but I found it bl**dy cold 😉. Have a great day Teemu!

    1. It doesn't feel tropical, we had +30 for several days here last summer. But of course we have clothes for different temperatures, around zero we don't need the "real winter clothes" yet. :)

  2. We finally found winter on the Canadian Prairies. It's -40C with the windchill today. Biggest challenge is getting the layers on quick enough to avoid melting before you leave the house, and then getting them off quickly to avoid melting in your office. Have a good day Ice man.

  3. Have a great day of it 'Iceman'. I was hoping to have an entry for you, but perhaps next week. :)
