Saturday 17 February 2024

From KyleC - Khorne Kontinues (Sarah's Cart) ( 60 pts )

So another week, and I was able to get a few more models painted up for this Khornish raiding party here... 

Worked on a few Heroes ( Lord, BSB, Aspiring ) for my character section, and then another 5 of the marauders to bolster the unit a bit further. 

Big boss on foot here.. again from the Age of Sigmar range for Blades of Khorne. I have like 4 or 6 of these models due to how many of the starter boxes I procured way back when I first wanted to try building this army ( spoiler.. never got too far off the ground ). So now I have a few that I can chop up and use for different projects like this one. He is normally accompanied by a flesh hound, but chopping the reins off, he just looks to have a nasty hand weapon there instead. 

Same red armor I have on the newer models, but I tried a stippling/lines approach to the cloak to make it a bit different, even though the colors used are exactly the same here. 

Another model I have multiples of from the starter box. In Age of Sigmar he is a cool model buffing those around him to new heights of frenzy... in the Old World.. he is just a Battle Standard Bearer but can take magical banners up to 100 points. Combined with the other model, and stuck in a unit of Warriors, I suspect they will have some lasting power for smaller games. 

Tried to use more purples/reds in the skintones here.. not fully sold on it.. 

The Warqueen Marakarr Blood-Sky! A figure I have no idea why I picked up, but she's for Warriors of Chaos, and will look great leading some marauders, so figured she was a good model to paint up! Again playing with the cloak, but going a bit brighter in the red as she doesn't have a lot of armor that I could or would paint red here. 

She is also my contribution to Sarah's Cart.. to travel to the Rotunda First floor.. just not sure which section, but most likely Sci Fi.. unless I score something on my trip coming up.. 

5 more Marauders made from the Blood Reavers. And the Banner boi getting a massive banner from the Juggernaut set.. Practical in Age of Sigmar as they are individuals and don't need to rank up.. in ToW.. not so practical.. but one unit of Marauders can be skirmishers, so that might be these in the end. 

Thankfully they are still able to rank up so far, and this now gives me 15 of them. 5 more and that will be a full unit, and I can then go and focus on something else! I am liking that the extra effort/time I am putting to the multiple skintones is making the unit look more interesting. And that the few parts of red painted really are vibrant on the overall unit. Going to have to be careful when I get to the warriors then, and see how to keep it up!

But for now, I am off to India for a work conference. So one of our other minions will take on the Sunday role, and I am unlikely to have any post of models to showcase next weekend as I won't have anything hobby related with me next week. Though depending on what socials, I might have a few snaps from the trip itself. 

Total for today's post then are:

- 3 28mm Infantry Heroes - 15 pts

- 5 28mm Infantry models - 25 pts

- Sarah's Cart entry - 20 pts

Total 60 pts for today

Some more excellent kernels (geddit??) from you here Kyle. They all look quite nasty and ready for some skull-taking and blood-spilling. The Blood God will be pleased and Sarah's Library Cart will transport you to the First Floor Rotunda and the Sci-Fi stack!

60 points for your tally as well!



  1. Suitably grim and dark, but that red really works well.

  2. A very vibrant strong red on these. Multiple skin tones really make the unit pop in my opinion.

  3. A really impressive standard of painting; and the splash of red really works with the subdued skin tones.

  4. Doing some lovely work here Kyle. There is a reason black, red and brass is a classic colour scheme.

  5. superbly painted Kyle with loads of detail

  6. Beautiful work as usual, Kyle. I particularly like that female berserker.

  7. This is really turning out to be a very nice little force!

  8. All I hear is Blood for the blood god. Great work. The red is wonderful.

  9. All I hear is Blood for the blood god. Great work. The red is wonderful.

  10. Fantastic figures and a smashing paint job, Kyle!
