Monday 4 March 2024

From SanderS: More stompy robots (50 points)


Last week left me with little enough hobbytime so I decided to take a different approach to some of my Battletech mechs; contrast paint! I am on the whole not a big fan of "slapchopping" miniatures or, for that matter, contrast paint. To me, contrast paint and all other brands' equivalents are in the main a sort of wash/ ink to be used when and if required,. This has led to some of the guys at the club calling me a traditional painter, I take that as a compliment. 

Anyway, a long story short; for battletech I don't mind if the miniatures are only painted to tabletop standard and so I tried out the army painter range of Speed Paint  paints. Don't tell anyone but I am rather happy with the results and might even do this with other mechs, not sure about using it like this on "real" miniatures though. So for now, let the conga-lines commence:

As I mentioned last mech post, a unit of 5 Clan mechs is called a star, now a unit of 2 stars is called a binary. Therefore here you see a binary of Clan Jade Falcon mechs belonging to Delta Galaxy (galaxy being the name for regiment) together with the other star they make a trinary.

So pointswise 10 roughly 28mm figures is another 50 points for the scoreboard for me!

Cheers Sander.

Sylvain: I will join your club and call myself a "traditional painter". I have not experimented with contrast paint yet, but seeing the great result you obtained, I feel encouraged to give it a try. I like how bright and colorful your mechs are, no risk of friendly fire in this case. Great submission! 



  1. These turned out great! The colors really pop and the dark seams give them a lot of depth. I agree about the contrast paints, I mostly treat them as a wash for shading and tinting. They can be a good tool, but don't replace old school paints.

    1. You're quite right, they turned out well! I will add the speed paints to the instrumentarium.

  2. Excellent robots and a great use of contrast paint!
    Best Iain

    1. cheers Iain, I am so happy to have them painted after a long time on the pile!

  3. the robots are awesome love the green and yellow the colors really pop

    1. yeah at first I was afraid I had tuned them down too much but it worked out very well in the end!

  4. I really like the vibrancy of these mechs, Sander. I really like Contrast paints (and all their variations), but I see them as just one tool in the hobby chest to use when a certain effect is sought for. Well done!

    1. I'm with you, they are good on some things, but not everywhere. Sometimes I paint something with contrasts and then paint the same thing on next batch traditionally.

    2. after this I must agree with you bith, they have their merits in certain circumstances!

  5. Great looking stompy mechs. I think contrast works really well on Battlemechs depending on the units color palette.

    1. you're right, but I was annoyed about the army painter red speed paint; I used it on a DC mech and you can't paint lighter colours ( yellow and white) on top of it, the red comes through...

  6. They've come out really well- I like the splash of yellow!

    1. thanks, yes the yellow pops really nice!

  7. I too consider myself traditional, you are not alone. I have tried some contrasts and some are okay, some are godawful. Lovely work here though.

    1. I hear you Peter! No worries, I will use them as I see fit ;-)

  8. They’re just what is says on the tin. Excellent work on these. Love the Conga line, can they do YMCA or Thriller?

    1. I will ask them to have a go and will let you know!

  9. Sander, I agree contrasts are really just wash theory updated (and nothing wrong with that) and of course have their place in the painting pantheon. Whenever I see angst about paint styles in wargames I remind myself of the artworld who do all this method and media on steroids. I will just sit back and admire the "green" tech. :)

    1. You're so right! I am of the opinion that you should try out everything at least once to see whether you can use it in your paintworks.

  10. I think they look great Sander! Who cares what you painted them with if they look good and you're happy with them?

    1. Wel, yeah that's true from a viewers perspective!
