Monday 4 March 2024

From SanderS: "A Romance of sorts" (30 points)


So there's a surprise, I didn't plan on painting this vignette at all anytime soon, specially not today, but I found myself with some spare time and while rummaging through the unpainted leadpile I stumbled along this pair. 

On First sight this might not look very romantic, usually when we think about romance we imagine handsome young(ish) people having steaming romantic adventures of all sorts. But if I really think about what real love is, that's not it. I feel that real love is about commitment, acceptance and giving and taking. Personally I have had the enormous good fortune to marry a girl that is tolerating, perhaps even supportive of all my hobby endeavours and quirks, and I cannot say how happy this makes me. Granted it does mean I have to be supportive about 1000m2 meters of backyard and hedges, 5 chickens, 2 rabbits and a dog (yes since 5 months we have a Paint-Support-Puppy too!). That said I found this couple of Indian people from the Indian Mutiny range I have still waiting completion. 

I imagine this woman supporting her man in his fight to rid the country of the foreign oppressors, even in defeat. That my friends is true love! Not gallavanting off in search of treasure and jewels (Romancing the Stone or  Jewel of the Nile anyone?), no; real life persons sticking by each other through the bad times as well as the good! I also included a picture of the pup, officially named Spot by his breeder, but more commonly known as Fluffy MacFluffson by us. He's an Australian Shepperd if someone is wondering. 

So I gather these two 28mm figures as well as the location bonus should be worth another 30 points. Now I am off to paint some more GW stuff.

Cheers Sander

Sylvain: Ah, love... You prove with your post that French do not have the monopoly on this noble sentiment. Your vignette is simple yet powerful. A well deserve location bonus for you. And congratulations on your new furry companion!


  1. A wonderfully considered post Sander and a lovely little vignette. I think you have a fine sense of 'romance'. And I very much like that pic of your doggo. :)

    1. Well the doggo is my new best friend and keeps me company on those long nights painting.

  2. Fluffy totally steals the show but that is a great romantic vignette.

    1. Thanks Tom, I will give him your compliments ;-)

  3. Replies
    1. it is isn't it?I had it for ages but never had the inspiration...

  4. Lovely work, lovely post and backstory, lovely doggo.

    1. " doggo" is that a Canadian thing? Anyway thanks Peter!

  5. A great choice and wonderful colours!

  6. I agree Sander love is about the relationship and the choice of this supporting couple is excellent.

  7. Nice brushwork! You have a lovely looking dog too. So weird they named them Australian when they didn't originate here and you almost never see them here either.

    1. Yeah I know right? As I understand it they were bred in the US out of several different Australian breeds to get a cattle dog. Hence the name. Ours is afraid of cows and horses by the way.
