Thursday 28 January 2021

From Dallas: Back to the Shrine with a Cleric (25 points)

A little backtrackery on the second level! Heading back to the Shrine to post this great cleric.

This is another model from the Casting Room - out of the "Adventurers" pack.

Casting Room models are great - they really have a legit adventuring/dungeon delving/murder hobo-ing vibe, with all of their backpacks and such. The rest of the pack is in paint and should be ready in the next couple days. I have to say that all this fantasy stuff I'm painting has really inspired me - I even found a copy of the infamous D&D module B3 - Palace of the Silver Princess ("the racy module that almost ruined D&D") tucked away in a corner of the Internet...

Five points for the man of God and 20 for the room - 25 points. NEXT!


  1. Oh wow, cool stuff Dallas! Great work.

  2. Splendid looking cleric!
    Best Iain

  3. I like that he holds a cross for protection, but wears full plate just in case this God thing doesn’t work out. Nice work!

  4. Ohh, I remember reading that module waaay back! It was sooo baaaad. A fun trip down memory lane and a great mini too, Dal.

  5. Impressive progress through the dungeon - nice cleric.

  6. Good work! Going to read that Wired article later.

  7. Very old skool and nice brushwork.

  8. Nice work on this holy hero.

  9. Blessed are the Cheesemakers 🙏 I'm converted already 😁
    Regards KenR
