Thursday 28 January 2021

From LeeH - The Shrine - Cult Priest

Paint something religious said the brief, so I rummaged through my lead mountain and... ended up buying two figures from eBay instead. But the postal service being what it is (or more specifically Royal Mail being what it is) the models still hadn't arrived when it came time to start on this chamber. So I had another rummage in the lead mountain and found this guy/thing. "He looks fairly religious" I thought, so I give you a cult priest raising the dead. 

The not so sharped eyed will notice that the pages of the book are completely blank. Somehow I managed to overlook that until right now when adding the pictures to this post! I'm going to plead tiredness and the fact I allowed myself to be sidetracked by work projects (something I never normally do). I guess it is one of the hazards of working from home... those lines between work and home life become very blurred. I will add a few arcane letters and symbols at a later date. 

The model is from Grenadier I think, although I'd happily be corrected if I'm wrong. The tab on the base had been filed flat and this is usually where the manufacturer and date are located. I decided to go with a simple but bold red and green colour scheme and I'm happy with the result. 

Oh, and the original religious-themed figures I bought from eBay arrived this afternoon! 

(Scoring: 1x28mm figure + CoC Bonus = 25 points)


  1. Interesting cult priest and nice hand!
    Best Iain

  2. Wow - a face to inspire faith! I love cultist figures...great work.

  3. lovely work- and well done on setting up the picture

  4. Love 'im! I'd love to know who made him as I 'need' another cultist in my collection. Great work Lee.

  5. A mysterious looking dude. Great stuff . cheers

  6. Great figure Lee. I think that the time may be in an invisible ink which appears only for true believers.

  7. Awesome work on this creepy cultist.

  8. Great cult figure 👍
    Regards KenR
