Thursday 28 January 2021

From DrQ: Glaivewraith Stalkers in the Tomb (40 points)

 A few months back I picked up the Age of Sigmar: Storm Strike box, and for the Tomb I decided to paint up the Nighthaunt Glaivewraith Stalkers in the box. These are simple push-fit models, but good enough for the theme and an attempt at a new paint scheme.

They were painted up using some techniques I found on an old Warhammer TV episode—two coats of Citadel Hexwraith Flame, followed by two coats of Nighthaunt Gloom on the sheets, a quick drybrush with an off white, and then finish the owl. 

Personally, I'm not so sure about the end result. The drybrush feels a bit too imprecise for these fellows. But, the two technical paints were really interesting to use. Nighthaunt Gloom is likewise great for an ethereal grave shroud vibe—especially when used after the Hexwraith. I'll definitely be using this combination again. I might try using the Hexwraith for the glow on my next Kharadron model and see if it works better than my current recipe. 

As for points: four models are 20 points, and then another 20 points for the challenge area.

Additionally, these things models have a lot of skulls—the one on the right having fourteen alone! So, 18 more skulls for the skull throne!

This was the last room to clear out on level two, so from here I'm heading down the stair to the Knights Solar, where I plan on painting up some of the other half of the Storm Strike box...


  1. Great looking GW undead!
    Best Iain

  2. I think the drybrush achieves the intended result and is probably the way to go with nighthaunt. From what I’ve read on Nighthaunt you use big units, so you don’t want to get bogged down in more complex techniques. Nice work!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I forgot to mention that the rust effect on the blade looks great and I think I need a tetanus shot just looking at it.

  4. Groovy. The technical paints are worth experimenting with. Some interesting results can be achieved. Cheers

  5. The technical paints turned out great - nice skullage too.

  6. I'm keen to try some Hexwraith Flame! Thanks for the skull tally!

  7. They have a spooky and spectral appearance. Well done.

  8. These came out nicely Dr Q. Very creepy.

  9. Wow cool paint job on these super wierd figs 👍
    Regards KenR
