Thursday 28 January 2021

From SidneyR: "Hatchery" - Turtle Dragon (30 points)

As its nearing the end of January, I thought it was time to post some more of my Challenge Chambers painting over the next few days.  Finally, I've reached the Second Level of Challenge Mountain - long after many of you, Fellow Challengers!!  

Not to worry. Maybe I've been slow because a Turtle Dragon has been blocking my path in the Hatchery.  

To be honest, I've been waiting for years to paint this old Citadel Miniatures Turtle Dragon.  I bought it in 2008 for my fantasy Japanese army which I painted up one summer when I had some time on my hands.  I think he (or she) dates from the 1980s - and quite possibly was meant to be the wee beastie at the bottom of an Albion loch in the "Tragedy of MacDeath" for first edition "Warhammer'.  I wonder what happened to those rules? ;)

I wanted to try painting something distinctive and colourful.  I enjoy making pink, purple and bright scarlet as the colour of magick in my fantasy games (.....go Slaanesh...), and the Turtle Dragon continues that theme.  

It was a lot of fun to paint.  Much of the work was done with Army Painter washes, with some highlighting afterwards.  The base is neutral so that I can use the beast in a dungeon, but could also place it on some terrible ash waste in habited by dragons and cold-drakes.  I added the stone slabs with plasti-card - again trying to reinforce the dungeon theme.

I thought this was a really fun project - as I am sure all of the fantasy-themed Chambers will be on my list of "Challenge XI projects to do".  

For the points - hmmm, I don't think Turtle Dragons are listed in Curt's points chart...  But he/she is a larger-sized beast, so may I suggest 10 points for the Turtle Dragon, and 20 points for "Hatchery".  So, in total, 30 points?


  1. He looks absolutely fabulous Sid. In fact, the little tyke looks like a 'Sidney' to me! Great work on the flagstones as well. Bravo!

    1. Thanks Curt. Oddly, "Sidney" was not something which I thought would strike fear into the hearts of foolish dungeon adventurers!

  2. Lovely turtle dragon - welcome to level 2!

  3. Splendid looking turtle dragon!
    Best Iain

  4. Excellent work Sydney, love the colours.

    1. Thanks very much Peter! Here's hoping one of these monsters does not disturb your sailing next time you take to the water!

  5. A colourful little critter. Nice work.

  6. Love the Dragon ...great colour choices and basing! Cheers Jez

  7. Nice work Sidney. So where is little chap gonna feature in Laarden?

    1. hahahaha!! I don't think there's a place for him in Laarden.... unless... unless... hmmm, I wonder if the next ship from Cathay might have an exotic 'treasure' in the hold ;)

  8. A Turtle Dragon 🤔 don't want to think how that happened ! Great figure perfect for.... something I'm sure 😉👍
    Regards KenR

    1. HAHA.... don't think like that. Pass the mind-bleach, mate! Thanks so much, Ken :))

  9. Very clever and looks great as well Sidney!

