Thursday 21 January 2021

From Dallas: Two Orks and an Orc in the Orc's Pit (35 points)

Next up in the Dungeon is the Orc's Pit... and whaddaya know, I've painted some Orcs to join the serried ranks in my figure cabinets.

First up are two of these great Ork Blood Axe Kommandos from GW. These two have been sitting primed for donkey's years, and it only took one evening to get them painted, go figure...  

These models are Perry twins sculpts and aren't they superb? The Blood Axe tribe are quite militaristic and disciplined, and their uniforms and equipment reflect this. Quite a departure from the Kev Adams aesthetic but I really like them. I painted them in the same camo pants as the rest of my all-metal all-Citadel Red Star Krew. And aren't those Swiss Army knives great???

Here's the six Kommandos all together. A previous owner converted the Ork carrying the multi-melta!

And here are the two new Kommandos with their fantasy forebear - another Citadel Orc from the old Lord of the Rings range (no not that one, the one from the '80s).

I like these models as they have a real Mongol Horde kinda feel.

Coincidentally enough I had painted his tunic in the same field grey colour as the Kommandos' field jackets!

Another room down, and next up is the Shrine, for which I have a plan... but in order to keep things moving I might use a Sorceress teleport next...

Stay safe everyone!


  1. Great work Dallas! Keep up the progress!

  2. Nice work, love the Swiss Army knives.

  3. Smart work Dallas, I remember painting that last orc back in the 80's too

  4. Super greenskins and you're closing in on the Altar at a good clip.

  5. Nice looking pair of Ork commandos and good looking 80s Orc!
    Best Iain

  6. You seem to have an amazing collection of old minis. These orcs/orks look great.

  7. I love those Kommandos- didn't realist they were Perrys!

  8. Cool figs, I had no idea the Perries did these, nice 👍
    Regards KenR
