Monday 11 January 2021

From MattK: 3d Printed Forest (60 Points)

 For my next entry, I decided to submit the terrain I just finished. These files are from Printable Scenery and I have a full write up on the process coming to my blog in the next few days over at Gaming With Mitten


Over all the project is 10 trees averaging just under 6 inches, 6 fallen trees, and 4 stumps. There are 5 unique designs and the fallen stuff in the pack and each tree takes an average of 9 hours to print. Which when all typed out seems ridiculous. I'm still coming to terms with how slow the process can be sometimes. 

I've arranged the trees into more or less 6 inch cubes and I'd say the total contents roughly fills 3 of them netting me 60 points. 

After seeing them all painted, I rolled out a 3x3 mat to see how much of the table they take up and my original plan was to make another ten or so but I don't think I'll need quite that many. I guess the beauty of the 3d printer is if I want another, I can just hit print.


  1. Super looking trees! It does seem a long time to print something, but I guess it's just chuntering slong in the background!
    Best Iain

    1. Yeah, thats the biggest thing. I had no clue how long it too, because its not like I sat and watched it.

  2. Very effective, Matt, especially on the mat, Matt!

  3. That’s a great looking forest Matt.

  4. Nice terrain, they should see plenty of use.

  5. I like the style of these trees!

  6. Home made forests, great job 👏
    Regards KenR
