Monday 11 January 2021

From TeemuL: Professor S.N. Owl-Ord, Entry Fee (25 points)

Shellington Nils Owl-Ord, a professor of chemistry at the Miskatonic University, Swedish-English origin, which explains his strange name. Shellington, as any good professor, is absent-minded, which might be his salvation, since he seems to be lost in time and space, although he himself believes just to be lost in the lower floors of his beloved university. Also, he likes initials, so his badge reads S.N. Owl-Ord, but his colleagues call him simply - you guessed it - "Uggla".

Shellington is a Crooked Dice miniature and my Entry Fee for this year's Challenge. I painted a similar miniature last year and since this is a duplicate, I can send this to some one else. I painted him mostly with Contrast paints, but I tried to be neat and clean. I even painted a striped tie with bold colors to make him really look like a professor.
From this angle the bottle looks almost like a transparent, better than I hoped for. The basing is rather simple, just paint it black first, then use some white wooden glue and dip in to the sand. Let dry and soak with dark brown(ish) ink/wash, whatever you have, and once dried, drybrush with medium grey. Paint the trim black to cover all the mess. There are some drying times here, so I usually paint the boots quite soon, so that I can then start working on the base (I do glue the miniature to the base before painting it, old habits die hard).
I deliberately positioned him to the other edge of the base in order to create "artistic" appearance. It might not be that handy during game time, but miniatures in the middle of the base look some time very boring. Now it is almost like a mini diorama, the focus is more on the bottle, what kind of mystic (err scientific) liquid is there in the bottle, will it explode in the Hall of Traps or is it just for refreshment?

In the following entries we follow Uggla as he descends to the Chambers of Challenge, we even might learn a thing or two about the liquid...

One 28mm miniature for 5 points

Entry fee for 20 points

Total 25 points, no additions to my GW side duel from this

If Uggla confuses you, just refer to your Swedish-English dictionary...


  1. He looks great full of personality!

    1. Thanks, I really like him as well. By the way, seem to on sale at the Crooked Dice website, only £2... ;)

  2. A great model, a brilliant name, and I rather like your decision on positioning on the base, too - it rather makes this a bottle with professor attached, rather than the other way around.
    BTW my experience of professors, which is quite extensive, pretty much guarantees that the mystic contents of the bottle are strongly alcohol based!

    1. Thank you Noel, the positioning does wonders, I agree. It is like you said, the bottle is in the center and the professor is just the holder. We are all eagerly waiting for the mystic liquid to expose itself...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Great stuff! The name certainly finishes him off well

  5. Well done Teemu. I'm sure this fellow will be up for tenure in no time at all!

    1. It is interesting to see what he finds from the dungeons...

  6. Lovely figure, nice tie and I think his off centre position is excellent!
    Best Iain

    1. Just couple of small details really bring a model to life.

  7. What a wonderfully character filled model Teemu - great job!

    1. Thank you. It will be difficult for me to send ut away...

  8. Nice work on this well-named professor and his bottle.

    1. Thank you, I was trying something like that on the bottle, but it worked better than I expected.

  9. What a great looking figure Teemu!

    1. Thanks Ray, it seems that I make someone happy with this one.

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you Barks, it didn't look like much unpainted, but looks good now.

  11. Some super work on this great figure 👍
    Regards KenR

    1. Thanks, if I hadn't ordered the 7TV pack to get the cops last spring, I wouldn't have this. Thanks to you. :)

  12. I missed this originally. Terrific figure Teemu! He looks like Noel!
