Monday 11 January 2021

From ScottC: Medieval Houses & Gribblies - Larder Chamber submission (158 points)


My adventurers have a brief respite as they come across not one, but TWO medieval fantasy buildings in the Larder Chamber.

Let's see what they can peak at through the windows...

Taking a couple of steps back!

(Zombie for scale)

First up is the two story shop:

I drew heavily from the Prancing Pony for inspiration on these two, and this larger one in particular. I was very unsure of a tudor wood house coloring and wasn't too keen on painting it white. I ended up with a german camo beige / bonewhite combination that I believe fits both historically and fantastically.

Next up is the single story:

These two fantasy medieval buildings can be found at Northern Lights Terrain medieval fantasy line. They were an absolute joy to paint once I stopped fussing about colours. Admittedly my airbrushes have made painting terrain infinitely more approachable. The style of building is very accessible to a variety of game systems and I have no doubt will get a lot of table time.

And now for the gribblies! (Colonal Veronin for scale)

About half of these gribblies are from the recent mantic terrain crate 2 kickstarter, and the wine cases/cubbies and larger table are 3d printed. The rats are reaper miniatures 28mm in scale.

As for points... here is my educated guess:

Single story: 5" x 5" = 20 points

Two-Story: 6" x 6" x 9"tall = ~40 points?

Gribblies: pointed as per ~ 28mm figure: 40 ponts

Wine + Potion cabinets: pointed as per ~40mm figures: 28 points

Rats: 10 points 

Chamber of Challenge submission: 20 points 

Total: ~ 158


  1. And very nice they look too I'll be looking up Northern Light Terrain? Sadly not heard about them before.

    1. Guess who's in trouble. Yep me?
      I course I remembered that Northern Light Terrain was owned by our very own ByronM.........

    2. Trouble, that’s your middle name isn’t it Ray?

  2. Great looking terrain entry!
    Best Iain

  3. Awesome paint job Scott, and nice to finally see them painted up since I have slacked off and never painted my own set of them (despite designing and selling them)! I am going to steal a few of these images to use on the website.

  4. Great looking building Scott and loving the interior details. Looks like there should be three bowls of porridge that have cooled at slightly different rates.

  5. Marvelous looking terrain, well done.

  6. I think the colours are great, and the furniture is lovely.

  7. Wow, the details inside those buildings is the business 👍
    Regards KenR

  8. Yay! Shoppes full of wine and potions ... some of my favourite things!

  9. That's really cool! Love the shelves
