Tuesday 26 January 2021

From NoelW: The Shrining: (Shrine) (42 points)

 “Follow Gerald!” screams Getrude, waving him before her. “In here!”

“We don’t want to go in…” Merlissa begins, but Gerald shoves her in the small of the back and she staggers into a cavern glowing with a blue light and filled with resounding sounds of ominousness.

“Looks like a good place to search for a you-know-what,” suggests Elfbow. “Glowing walls and all that.”

“The glow is coming from that object over there. Where that circle of people are standing.”

Indeed, a small semicircle of austere and pious people were making strange gestures around a glowing object in the corner of the cavern.

“Someone else who likes charades,” Elfbow observes, as Clerihew edges towards them, and begins gesturing expansively.

“Woof?” asks Scruff.

“It might be,” Titchy scratches his stomach. “But I’m not keen on eating things that glow.”

“Look here,” says Getrude, pointing to a plaque embedded in the glowing stone. “What does that mean, elf?”

“Monstrum quondam, monstrum futurus,” says Elfbow.

“I know what it says, leaf-fondler. I want to know what it means.”

“Exactly what it says, I guess.”

“It’s a stone,” says Titchy. “And there’s a sword in it. And all these people are worshipping it. So, clearly, it’s a source of madness and the sign says “Beware of the quondam in case you’re made futurous.”

Clerihew shakes his head in exasperation, mimes quickly to the others in the circle, and then turns to Getrude, gesturing furiously.

“Five words. First word. A little word? ‘The’. Second word. ‘One’? No, lots of ones. Two?”


“One and one and one and one and…”

“Ones? Once!”

“The once? Does that even make sense?”

“Third word. Little word. ‘And’? Yes – ‘The once and’. Fourth word. Two syllables. Something’s coming. It’s not back there, it’s coming from the opposite direction, way over there. Miles away. He’s peering into Merlissa’s crystal ball. First syllable. He’s holding his nose. Something smells. Something really smells. Phew!”

“Second syllable. He’s eating something. More than eating. Chewer. Chew. Phewchew?”

“The once and phewchew?”

“Fourth word. It’s big. It’s really big. It’s a monster! Oh, 'monstrum' means monster.”

“The once and phewchew monster?”

“Once and future, dolt. What was once a monster, will be a monster again.”

“If someone pulls the sword from the stone, then they’ll become the monster they once were. Only guessing, of course.”

“Look!” says Gnawbone, suddenly bright eyed. “Lever!”

“Don’t let him pull it!”

But Gnawbone tosses the simpering clerics out of the way, grabs the sword and pulls. The cavern glow blazes into eye-shattering fire. There’s a roar more raucous than a balrog trapped in a particularly toothsome balrog trap.

And, when the glow is gone, so is the sword.

So is Gnawbone.


A simple post this time: the four clerics are Perrys, from their Crusades range. These are nicely characterful figures. I’ve painted them with different robes, so they can probably have a role in almost any period, including contemporary games. Here they are without the blue glow:


And now they take a curtain call:

The sword in the stone is yet another Terrain Crate piece. This is proving a really useful set for the Chambers.


4 x 28mm figs: 20 points
Magical sword of incredible magnificence and unknown puissance: 1 point?
Shrine: 20 points

Total points: 41

That's a pretty chunkily-sized sword, so I'll give it 2 points (my generosity may have been swung by your use of the word "puissance")



  1. Nice post ! Great figures and painting! Great work!

  2. Great looking bunch of clerics!
    Best Iain

  3. I love that pack of Perry monks! Great work on them.

  4. Great post, great figures, greatsword. Well done!

  5. Very nice; gosh the Perrys can sculpt!

  6. I can feel a illustrated Novel coming on 👍😁
    Regards KenR
