Saturday 9 January 2021

from Paul O'G: Shadow Warriors in Greyscale (70 points)

This submission was totally unplanned but became quite an absorbing (and distracting!) experiment.  Recently I have been revisiting Samurai skirmish gaming with the Ronin rules. Back in AHPC VI I painted a small force of unarmored Sword masters and thought I might surprise Reilly but adding some Ninjas (surprise Lad!).  As I saw the greyscale entries for the Chamber of Darkness, I thought it might be a great opportunity to give this very different style of painting a try. Stealthy Ninjas by moonlight would be dark and monochrome anyway, right? How hard could it be? Boy did I learn a lot.

Lets just say it was lucky I had 10 figures in this project so that I had multiple opportunities to improve.  I think trying to keep the figures' dark and sinister look meant that I further reduced the available desaturated palette.  I started with a Grey Seer undercoat and then used the GW Black Templar contrast paint as starting point. 

I was challenged in thinking about light direction while also using highlights to achieve a pseudo metallic finish for weapons glinting in the moonlight - but I'm pleased overall with the effect. I also added a few discrete spot colours through bloodstains and red flowers on the leader’s base, thought the latter doesn't work so well as it distracts the eye from the figure (maybe it is a Ninja stealth technique!). These discrete bloodspots are quite different to the usual messy blood stains on my beastmen's axes!

Along the way I was heavily inspired by Michael Awdry’s fantastic Seven Greyscale Samurai from back in AHPC III ( and Curt’s greyscale WW1 project (where I learned the term ‘chiaroscuro’!).

Overall, I did not fully achieve the look I was after but am happy enough. I appreciated the challenge of trying something new, which I wouldn’t have otherwise done, and I would welcome constructive comments and ideas.  This submission is ten metal 28mm figures from Warlord's "Ninjas of Iga" range.

For a bit of self indulgence, this is what I have painted during 14 days of isolation - the only TV I watched was the news and both seasons of The Mandalorian (how good is that!). Then again the whole ‘working from home’ thing really got in the way :-)

The Ninja look quite at home slinking at the back next to the monchrome wall!


  1. Love those Ninjas Paul. You’ve had a ginormous start to the challenge, with some excellent quality.

    1. Thanks Peter, appreciated - the quarantine certainly assisted the productivity but back to the office tomorrow.

      I find the real challenge of the Challenge to be output without an associated quality drop. Points are fleeting, but my painted minis are enduring :-)

  2. Awesome work Paul, and great choice to try the whole greyscale thing on. I’ve been tossing up what miniatures to use myself. Just a teeny bit worried about what you have been up to in isolation with such attention to detail with the blood effects... ;)

  3. Beautiful work Paul. Ninja's are a wonderful choice for experimenting in greyscale. When I started my WWI greyscale project I went through dozens of paints until finding a set that did both 'cool' (blue) and 'warm'(brown) greys. I used the warm greys for clothing and 'soft' objects, while keeping the cool greys for 'hard' things and metallics. I also really like your constrained use of blood for the chiaroscuro effect. Well done mate!

    1. Thanks Curt - appreciate the insights. These guys gave me a glimpse of what your project must have involved, which I can appreciate all the more now!

  4. Very nice; I haven’t had the guts to try greyscale!

    1. Thanks John - it was quite the experiment!

  5. As a Victorian lad originally you may never has watched Phantom Agents as a kid but I did. These ninja chappies make me want to leap backwards into trees with excitement! Fanta would be impressed.

    1. Cheers mate - I was always more of a Shintaro the Samurai guy, where such brilliant cinematic techniques were also notable :-)

  6. They're superb Paul! I actually think the bold highlights work great for the given topic. Not too keen on the leaders flower either, but the blood effect does give a nice focal point on these miniatures.

    1. Thanks Nick, appreciated. Yes, I think I will remove those flowers - good learning point really.

  7. Paul the working from home truly is immensely bad for the hobby here too and it seems the lockdown over here is being lengthened so :-( anyway great grey scale on the shadow warriors!

    1. Thanks Sander - good luck with the work/hobby integration!

  8. Excellent use of grayscale. Good choice!

  9. Splendid looking greyscale ninjas! Smart choice of subject too!
    Best Iain

  10. A great looking bunch of ninja. Well done on doing a full unit in greyscale.

    1. Thanks Stuart. I am an 'all in ' kind of guy :-)

  11. Super grey scale, a whole unit too 👍
    Regards KenR

  12. Love the greyscale. The very thought of attempting that terrifies me. Looking forward to seeing all the terrain you'll paint to go with them :)

    1. Yeah, about that...

      I found it quite a combination of challenge/distraction/difficulty in a way I haven't before. Didn't help my Challenge production line but I did enjoy it for something different while in COVID quarantine.
