Saturday 9 January 2021

From JohnS - Spanish Militia Infantry - Talavera (80 pts)

 The next unit for my Talavera project has made its way on to the painting table. This is the beginning of a Provincial Militia Unit, nominally the 2nd Majorca.

I am somewhat enamoured of the "Round Hats" worn by Spanish soldiers in this period so I have chosen to do this unit all equipped with them. Uniform information for the Peninsular War is scant and contradictory so I have taken a few liberties.

The miniatures are from Offensive Miniatures, a company I have been aware of for years but these are the first of their figures I have painted. I am very impressed. Very clean castings with great detail that is easy to paint. And nice people to deal with too I found. There may be more of their figures coming soon...

The colours chosen for these first four stands (three more to paint inc Command) reflect the diverse uniforms that Militia Units were issued with in this period. The ubiquitous "brown Spanish cloth" predominates but they also received blue, grey and white clothing from Britain and local suppliers meaning the uniformity was non-existent. I have tried to avoid bright colours other than their flashy cuffs and collars.

These wre very enjoyable to put together and I am looking forward to finishing this unit. I may mix a couple of figures with bicornes in as well.

16 figures @ 5 pts each = 80 points


  1. Looking good John! I like their haggard/non-uniform look while still having a broadly cohesive feel. And those hats are very spiffy!

  2. I like the diverse uniforms!

  3. Nicely done. I've not come across Offensive Minis, so will now check them out. How well do they fit with other manufacturers' Spanish (I've Perrys and Warlord)?

    1. Offensive are slimmer than Perry's but not by much, they are very similar to Brigade in scale. More realistic than the Warlord tall, flat Spanish.

  4. Lovely looking Spanish! Eagle do some nice Spanish, a little slimmer than Perry but not by much, I like the hats!
    Best Iain

  5. Gotta love the round hats. I also like the different jacket colours. But mostly it’s nice to see some Spanish Nappies.

  6. Excellent work on these chaps. It's always nice to see the Spaniards get some attention.

  7. Napoleonics are my bane... I just can not paint the same fiddly thing over and over again down the ranks without succumbing to the tedium. That said, I love seeing Napoleonics of any kind done as they look fabulous on the tabletop (better than almost any other era), and yours will look great marching into battle.

  8. Really good work, very rare to see Spanish Milita painted up 👍
    Regards KenR
