Wednesday 10 February 2021

From JamieM - 7TV Argonauts

More 7TV as I discovered these undercoated and based figures in my boxes of holding whilst rummaging through looking for something else.

These Captain Scarlet inspired figures weren’t bought for any particular reason.... but the refreshed “Argonauts” cast from 7TV gave me an idea as I needed some robotic minions with rifles.

In a wardrobe decision worthy of the 60’s & 70’s shows that 7TV is based on, I decided to paint their skin and hair silver, as if they’ve had silver makeup applied to make them “robots” in a budgetary conscious way.

All in green for a consistent look and I added a sculpt of theirs that I liked (one of the females with a longer jacket) and she can perhaps be the unit leader.

Next up are two Talos (Taloi?). These are larger chaps and form part of the mechanical menace that the madman Ulysses Argo unleashes on the world.

I’m not over the moon about how the brass turned out, but I’ve already done it twice as I didn’t like my first effort either so I’ve decided to just move on.....

Just for context, I’ve included a picture of the full Argonaut “cast” that I have. The other figures were half finished at the end of a previous challenge and I hadn’t gotten around to finishing them until now.

These are some of the other nefarious droids Argonuses to wreak havoc.

And another family shot.

No points for the other figures, so just 6 x 28mm figures for 30 and 2 x 40mm figures for 14 to add up to 44 for the post.

They remind me of some kind of Dr Who villains! Good one :-)
Cap'n W


  1. Great stuff Jamie!
    Isn't fun to discover old figures that are already primed/basecoated? It is one thing to discover an old figure or project...but when they are already primed, they are "Challenge Ready" :)

  2. Lovely looking economy Captain Scarlet robots and I like the brass on your thalos!
    Best Iain

  3. Haha! Love the green-coated minions with the budgetary-restrained makeup! Well done Jamie.

  4. 7tv figures are great and you've done a super job with these 👍
    Regards KenR

  5. Great stuff on these retro cheesy figures. I think the brass came out nicely. I got a good chuckle out of the guns on the fembots.

  6. Definitely got that TV look!

  7. Love that luminescent green James.
