Wednesday 10 February 2021

From MartijnN: Elephants in Golem's Haunt. Or are there? (48 points)


OMG, look searge! It’s bad enough that Alexander had to drag us to this backwater; it is not called Bactria voor nothing, is it? I can’t seem to focus in this bloody heat. But now they have elephants too? Just what we needed…


But wait! Those are not elephants, are they now? Whatever have they been stitching together here?


It’s bloody camels, it is! And not even Bactrian camels either! What are they trying to do? Laugh us to death?!

Way back at University as a Ph.D. student, which seems like a lifetime ago (it almost is!), I succeeded in convincing one of my fellow students to invest in a pair of armies for DBA, which had then just come out. So an order was duly despatched for two Hellenistic forces, I think he got Seleucids and I chose Bactrian Greek, if only because it sounded sufficiently exotic and I had no idea who or what Bactrian Greeks were.

Needless to say all our plans came to nothing and they have languished in my lead pile for the next thirty years or so, until the Challenge came along. So, here are two Essex Miniatures 15mm Bactrian Greek elephants.

Now looking for a suitable subject to get me throught Golem’s Haunt I remembered that I had once bought a pair of Chariot Miniatures camels disguised as elephants. Pretty stitched together, I say! The historical evidence for this is pretty flimsy, but they are great models (I find that Chariot have aged very well, they can still be bought from Magister Militum)!

Painted up in a pretty simple colour scheme using contrast paints. Pointswise I think we have four mounted 15mm figures, with 6 extra riders, so 16 + 12 = 28 points, plus 20 for Golem’s Haunt for a total of 48 points.


Camels dressed up as Elephants? Reminds me of that Ship's officer from the movie Yellowbeard, Mr Prostitute. Yarrr. 48 points it is, plus a bonus for painting something from 30 years ago, and another for Camels dressed as Elephants!

Cap'n Wednesday


  1. Nice elephants and bizarre camels disguised as elephants!
    Best Iain

  2. Nice heffalumps and pseudo heffalumps. I remember the camels disguised as elephants from the old ancients army lists, didn’t Xenophon ascribe them to Cyrus the great?

  3. Elephants disguised as Camels or is it the other way round 🤔
    Nice job Regards KenR

  4. Great ersatz Oliphants Martijn! Great backstory!

  5. Fake nellies! Now I've seen everything.
