Wednesday 10 February 2021

From Millsy: 15mm Barbarian Army (240 points)

Q. What is best in life?
A. To paint your mins, to see them come alive before you, and to hear the lamentations of the lead pile.

Hi All,

Apologies for the long delay between entries AND the lack of comments on other people's wonderful efforts. I'm doing two jobs at the moment and what little leisure time I have is spent with brush in hand.

The last few days I have managed to spend more time at the desk and finished a number of projects. The first of these is another 15mm fantasy army to add to my collections - this time barbarians!

The humans, horses and the giant are all Mark Copplestone's wonderful work, a dream to paint and so full of character and animation.

Added to that I have the amazing Battle Valor Games mammoth with howdah and wolves. The wolves are glorious, huge beasts in three cracking poses and large enough to be ridden - proper dire wolf size, not some wimpy overfed lap dog.

The mammoth is a weighty bugger with only the head and trunk resin and the rest white metal. I deliberately left the howdah empty so I can switch the mammoth between armies and mount missile troops or commanders in him.

Finally I have a bunch of "pigmy" mammoths from an unknown manufacturer. I picked these up as an aside when I bought pile of other stuff, thinking I would find a use for them eventually. And I did!

Quite a bit of lead painted in one go, the whole army as it stands actually. No doubt I will add to it so I'm not calling it "finished" if for no other reason than to avoid the inevitable japes. ;-)

The Tally

Dire Wolves x 18 = 36pts
Barbarians on Foot x 58 = 116pts
Barbarians on Horse x 12 = 48pts
Giant x 1 = 8pts
Mammoth x 1 = 8pts
Pigmy Mammoths x 6 = 24pts

Total = 240 points

Barks, FYI the Skull-o-meter count is 17 including codpieces, banners and magical implements. Nice.

Hope you like em. Up next another complete force painted in one go...



What a cracking looking force Millsy! Great stuff. Love the animated sculpts and your painting is top knotch as always matey. But tha Cap'n got all befuddled with the numbery bits here - must have been the rum.

I've scored the wolves as foot, the pygmy mammoths as horse, and the giant and mammoth as vehicles. Chucking in bonus points for the standard and the awesomeness of dropping this army as a bomb and thats 250 points. Awesome!

Cap'n Wednesday


  1. That's a really excellent army. I love the Copplestone sculpts, and your painting style has unified the whole army brilliantly.

  2. Splendid looking barbarian army ,all in one go,hot to love the mammoth!
    Best Iain

  3. Wow, that's quite an achievement. The whole army looks brilliant, the giant is excellent and of course the mammoth is a magnificent centrepiece. I doff my hat in admiration!

  4. Excellent work Millsy, some top notch painting on lovely minis. I especially like the mammoths, and the face stitched into the giants tunic is a nice if grim touch.

  5. Super looking Army Millsy, top marks mate 👍
    Regards KenR

  6. You've been busy Millsy - great to see you back! Basically an army in one go - good one mate! I agree with you on the Copplestone stuff - it's such a joy to paint. I especially like that giant. Wow! What a nasty brute.

  7. An army in one submission?!?!? I can only admire your focus to get these done in one go without being tempted to post them in bits! The mammoths and wolves are my favourites.

  8. All wonderfully done. Excellent work.

  9. Really impressive work here Millsy! Well done!

  10. Thanks everyone for the comments.

    @JamieM the temptation is easier to resist than you'd think. I don't enjoy basing so I put it off!

  11. "You like mammuf, me like mammuf..."
    Worth the wait, splendid work!

  12. Worth the wait indeed! Those are wonderful, and thanks for the skull tally!
