Wednesday 10 February 2021

From LeeH - Chambers of Challenge - The Tomb - Gothic Vault with Restless Resident

I can imagine the conversation had by the family of the occupant... "If we build him a really outlandish gothic tomb maybe he'll stay dead this time". 

I bought this excellent resin crypt from Debris of War before the last Challenge but didn't have time to finish it. It is such a nice model that it couldn't stay unpainted any longer. I really like the resin terrain by this company as it is flawless and paints up really well. The model is pretty small at 3.5"x3"x4" so it is barely a 5th of a terrain cube...but it looks marvellous so it had to be my entry for this round. 

The figure is a 1984 Grenadier Zombie which I bought on eBay a few months ago. I couldn't let the poor fella go unpainted any more, and while his torn shirt may once have been expensive and fancy, his tattered appearance now made me feel sorry for him. What can I say, I have a soft spot for zombies.

(Scoring: 1/5th Terrain Cube (4pts) + 1x28mm figure (5pts) + CoC Bonus = 29 Points)


  1. Love the old school zombie - and the crypt is fab.

  2. That is a brilliantly overdesigned crypt, Lee! BTW, that zombie was from Grenadier's venerable Call of Cthulhu range (offered as a separate blister pack, I believe).

    1. Your knowledge of old figures never ceases to amaze...and this figure is older than some of the participants in the Challenge!

  3. Nice work Lee. The contrast between the roof and the stonework really shines.

  4. Great tomb there.. love the work on it and the zombie to go with it!

  5. Lovely chapel of rest and great looking zombie!
    Best Iain

  6. Great pieces Lee. A veteran zombie and a lovely little crypt. The crypt could appear on a lot of historical battlefields.

  7. Excellent bit of kit. Debris of War do make some brilliant stuff!

  8. Looking excellent Lee! But from the looks of it the fancy tomb didn't really keep it's occupant from returning to harass the living.

  9. Cool looking crypt mate,,perfect for an episode of "Who lives in grave like this" 👻
    Regards KenR

  10. Great piece painted very nicely. cheers

  11. Great model, fine paintjob, excellent work all around!
