Monday 7 February 2022

From StuartL - A Spooktacular Entry - 40 Points

Hello again fellow challengers.

My second post today is a set of GW Nighthaunt minis. I got them as part of a starter set for Age of Sigmar that I picked up cheap a few years back. I have no intention of playing AoS, but I figured I could always use the models for something else. I painted up the Stormcast half of the box ages ago, but I have had these ghostly types sitting in my box ever since. Recently I have been watching some Youtube videos about painting minis in a more grimdark/Blanchitsu/'28' style. One of the common points for most of the tutorials was using a smaller colour palette to create a more unified look, so this was the challenge I set myself when painting these spooks. Take a look and see if you can guess how many colours were used in the painting of these minis and their bases.

If you guessed 4 colours, you are correct. All of these models were painted in the entirety in various blends of Vallejo Ivory, Hull Red, Heavy Goldbrown and Black Grey. At times I mixed in some Matt Medium to get a bit of transparency, but there are no other paints used here. It was certainly a fun little challenge to try, figuring out how to make different shades and colours with a very limited set of original paints took some doing. The bulk of the ghosts was done by drybrushing a mix of Heavy Goldbrown and Ivory over the top of the figures, adding more and more ivory until the top of the mini got a pure Ivory drybrush. 

So, for 8x 28mm minis, I am going to ask my minion for 40 points for my score.
The models and the bases have a fair number of skulls between them, 26 by my count, so those will be added to my Skull Duel total.

Skullz Total: 104

Your minimalist pallet paid off handsomely on these horrors Stuart.  I don't speak GW, but the flying ghost things in the first pictures look like something that I could use in my RPGs.  And the hunchback dead horse thingy playing at the drum is the stuff of nightmares.  Once again I will delegate the Skull inventory.


  1. Those look great Stu! Love the translucent ghost effect!

    1. Thank you, they turned out pretty well for an experiment.

  2. Gruesome looking ghosts, lovely finish!
    Best Iain

  3. Excellent. I love Val Ivory, and it works perfectly here with the spectral figures. Going to have to check out that Goldbrown. Is it a Vallejo colour?

    1. Yep, Vallejo Heavy Goldbrown. It's a quite opaque mustard colour. In small amounts it reads as yellow, or it can form a nice base colour if you want to work up to a bright yellow.

  4. These are definitely spooky and the limited palette really worked well.

  5. I do think those Nighthaunts are lovely. Very tempting.

  6. Those are brilliant and do have a ghostly hue to them - tat's very clever

  7. Very nice ghosts! I guess the blades count as NMM, too?

  8. Hi Stuart:

    These are spookily effective. I was surprised that you said you only used four colours, because it sure looked like you used some ghastly green shade for the bottom parts of the figures. It all looks fab. And spooky. Brrrrrr.
    Cheers, MikeP
