Monday 8 January 2024

From ColeF - Devils, Demons, And Dervishes (45 Points)


I am  a man with a hearty backlog of miniatures. I'm sure absolutely no one here can understand. I'm sure none of you have mountains of unopened packages of grey plastic, sprues that haven't even been clipped or graced with the touch of glue, or entire armies that sit primed and unloved.

Okay, maybe that's all of us, but I'm trying to be better, which leads me to my first ever post!

I dug deep into my pit of unpainted shame and threw some paint till I felt nice.

First we have two minis from Dungeon Saga by Mantic Minis, from way back in 2014. I brushed off the dust and painted this demon guy, and this ghostly ghost guy. Do I know their proper names? NO. Have I ever even played a SINGLE game of Dungeon Saga, a game I so desperately needed to back with all of my heart and wallet almost a decade ago? Also no.

But the minis have great depth, simple details, with not a lot of excessive bits and bobs, and I enjoyed painting them. Is it worth the 2014 Kickstarter FOMO I bought into? Please stop asking these questions, they make me uncomfortable.

Second we have a Dervish for Battletech, printed in Resin. I mostly dipped a toe into Battletech because I missed painting Sci Fi miniatures, and I must say that the official Catalyst minis, as well as the numerous STLs available online are a treat to paint, plus I get to practice edge highlighting.

Last but not least is Oloch Iconic Warpriest from Reaper, from their Pathfinder line of minis. I've had him and several other Pathfinder Pewter minis sitting on my desk for close to a decade, and they're some of my favorite sculpts, literally ever. As a result, I've always felt nervous to paint it up, as I didn't think I'd do it justice. I feel like I'll come back to him in the future and add some extra details on his back banners, but I'm calling him done for now.

Thanks for having me in this challenge and encouraging me to slay my grey. Love seeing all the submissions every day.


Points Totals

3x 28mm Assorted = 15 Points
1x 54mm Demon =  10 Points
Overdues and Returns = 20 Points

Sylvain: Great first post Cole! The colors are rich and deep and you brought out lots of volume in your miniatures. You offer a great variety of figurines and I will be looking forward to see what comes up next from your paint station.

If you cold provide a map of your progress in the library, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


  1. Welcome aboard! I like the ghost sculpt, and your mech is great!

  2. Nice looking set of figures, Cole. Hoarding minis is a fun hobby in and of itself, but owning a lot of painted minis can be enjoyable too.

  3. Your Warpriest is my favourite, lovely deep shading. Oh we all have games jnplayed don't worry. I bought a space game from Mantic during lockdown as it had single player rules, still not played it.

  4. Love these, and the back story sounds familiar. Great work.

  5. Yeah, that Warpriest is awesome. I also like the Dervish mech.

  6. I have to agree with the rest the warpriest is pretty dang cool, love your painting nice deep colors very well done

  7. Welcome to the madness Cole! I applaud a man who isn't afraid to indulge in a little alliteration. You've set a baseline now so we expect more of the same moving forward. Great brushwork too mate.

  8. These are great! The Warpriest shading is terrific, it really brings out the personality.

  9. Welcome to Challenge, Cole! Very nice painting, especially the warpriest. They look good, we want more photos from different angles. :)

  10. Welcome Cole, great start to the Challenge, hopefully you'll make a dent in that figure backlog !

  11. Well done on the archeological dig to unearth these gems. Great paintwork tol

  12. Excellent miniatures Cole. Wonderful and diverse selection.

  13. What a wonderful eclectic group of beautifully painted figures.

  14. Beautifully painted Miniatures Cole

  15. Well, I do have whole armies in my backlog but I didn’t get to priming them yet. But you have made a very good looking dent in your pile of oppurtunities, Cole! Well done.
