Saturday 9 March 2024

From DavidB: paladins of Morr, Fantasy and Lady Sarah's Cart (110 points)

I have to apologize for being absent for a moment as real world has intruded greatly. I am 3rd shift now and busy with Military retirement as well as keeping tabs on my kids who have scattered across Michigan in their life pursuits. I have actually spent more time driving than painting! i also no longer get email updates on the blog and am horribly behind on catching up on the eye candy. hopefully I can find some time to catch up there too!
First up is a very old piece of the old world which was a premade piece of terrain for the old world of fantasy battles. it was primed grey with static grass and until last week still in the poly bag!

I hit it liberally with contrast paints of earth, grey, purple and green tones with some blue and red. 

After the contrast paints dried, I had some rainbow coloured flagstones and some interesting headstones. I used a creamy tan craft paint to drybrush everything up into some nice highlights.

After dry brushing I used army painter speed paints as a wash in a few areas. Green, brown, blue , and black for tonal shifts in the dirt and add streaks and weathering to the stonework of the cemetery.

there was a lot of nice textures in the base and the stones and the wash helped punch up the weathering of soot and standing water. I used pva glue to give water effects to the bucket and barrel, but that is still opaque white and still drying after two days....

Last year I painted some sigmar fantasy marines...I am not quite sold on them, but the guys I go to Adepticon with want to game warcry. The Chaos band I wanted was not at the FLGS, but the Soulsworn Questors were.

They were built and primed while I was travelling around. Since I painted some Knights of Morr last challenge, I figured a group of questing paladins would be a good addition and settled a paint scheme for them. These devotees of Morr have come to the cemetery to see who has been disturbing the rest of Morr's children. I have no idea as to what these paladins can do on the table, but they do look the part for Paladins of Morr now.

The questor prime paladin has a lamp that must be quite important in her hands.

The purple cloaks are quite vibrant and look less weird in person, I do like that contrast purple though. Army painter black speed paint was used over chainmail to give a nice obsidian armor color to them.

The female orc was a 3d print sourced entirely to practice painting skin and she does have a lot of skin!

I did a zenithal highlight and then used contrast paints with a catch.I used a purple on the black areas of her flesh and used yellow on the pure white places.When I was sure the paint was dry, I did my traditional painting of orc flesh with five different shades of green from a dark forest green to a yellow green.

The shadows really pop and the purple really helped.
she will be used for a cart ride to the gift shop for the white scar legion marine.
He is substantially smaller than the HH miniatures, but I do like the design cues that made it into the more recent master of signals.

I may not get more of the White Scars completed as time is running down and work and military seem intent on keeping me traveling for a bit longer...and checking on my kids.

so final tally.....
soulsworn questors 6 @ 5 points each for 30 plus 3 skulls
a lady orc barbarian for 5 points plus 20 for Lady Sarah's Cart. 
cemetery for 10 plus 27 skulls
white scar rogue trader master of signals-5 points
20 points for fantasy book section and another 20 for the gift shop
110 points

duel tracker
legion duel- not good and unchanged!
stompy robots of death- 4
skulls-159 plus 30 for 189

That's a classic piece of Warhammer Fantasy Battle terrain you have there David, good on you for getting it done. Try finding another one! The paladins of Morr look nice too but they'd have to really curl up to fit into those graves... scale creep in a big way. What I really like is the White Scars Rogue-Trader Space Marine. "Comms Officer Orinoco" and his Blackberry Playbook are unmistakable from the old Citadel catalogs. Well done!

110 points for you.




  1. Great work. The orc is fabulous.

  2. Really like the terrain piece and those purple cloaks,

  3. Nice painting. The terrain is great but the orc’s skin tones and blends are fantastic.

  4. Orc skin looks great, your practice pays off!

  5. That is a great bit of terrain

  6. That is a wonderful piece of terrain, Dave! It has a great Mordheim feel about it. I also really like that female orc. Fabulous skin tones (and as you say - lots of it!).

  7. That terrain piece just steals the show it's so goo

  8. I like that classic terrain piece!
