Saturday 9 March 2024

From AaronH - Star Wars Legion and final post (83 pts)

 Today's post is more CIS for Star Wars Legion. My youngest son is interested in playing Legion and he has chosen CIS. These models represent the final models to be painted for his first army list. With these completed he can show up for his first game with a fully painted army.

Ten models to complete an army.

This  is two more B2s to fill out the units to five each, a Dwarf Spider droid with all weapon options, a unit of Magnaguards and Cad Bane.


The Magnaguards are a great unit in the game. they can only be brought in units of four but they are versatile, have two wounds and like to melee with force users.

The lightning on their staves was trickier than I expected but came out OK in the end.

The two B2s are the same as the last two units, just filling them out.

The Dwarf Spider droid is a great model in game. It's a vehicle so it blocks line of sight. It can take a variety of weapons and AI options, and it can explode when it gets near death and deal damage to all units within range 1 of it.

It looks like it  might be fiddly to build but it is actually really easy. Much easier than B1s.

This model is also nice because you can leave it's dome un-glued and switch out the weapons. Everything is tight enough to stay together until you want to switch it out.

All weapon options. Flamer, ion cannon and laser cannon.

The flamer is my favorite looking weapon option.

The final model is Cad Bane, the infamous bounty hunter. He's a powerful and tricksy operative who can wreck havoc if you're not careful.

This is my last entry for this year's challenge. I'm heading to the UK for work, and Rhys will be following next week for a week's vacation. I'd like to thank everyone for how welcoming you have been to him. It has meant the world to him for me to read your comments on his posts. I feel like his painting has improved as he takes in your advice. Your kindness has been remarkable.

That's ten models for the week, nine foot and 1 vehicle.
9 x 32mm x 7 pts = 63 pts
1 x 32mm Vehicle x 20 pts (it's small) = 20 pts

Total = 83 pts

Nice work here Aaron, I feel like you've personally accounted for a moderate-size hobby store's worth of Star Wars Legion stuff. It was great to have you in the Challenge and these droids look great, I especially like the Dwarf Spider Droid. Cad Bane is a polarizing character but you've done him justice here with a nice paint job. Safe travels to the UK and thanks to you and Rhys for participating this year!



  1. Lovely work here. Its great that you can switch out the weapons on the spider.

  2. Great stuff. I really like that spider drone.

  3. Wonderful work on all. Always fun to see kids get better as painters.

  4. really nice work Aaron, great to see your work and I look forward to next year.

  5. Really enjoyed your Legion posts.
