Saturday 9 March 2024

From SylvainR: D&D - 28mm NPCs and Egyptian Gods (74 points)

Another bunch of NPCs and "monsters" for my ongoing D&D campaigns.

First, four NPCs. You will note that all these people have dark skin. I realized, not long ago, that my D&D miniatures so far depict only Caucasians while two members of my daughter's D&D group are non-Caucasian. I thought that some adjustment was in order. This will continue in my next D&D related posts.

The potion lady and the rogue are from Reaper while the innkeeper is another "Empress Maria Teresa" figurine from Westphalia Miniatures. I got one from Curt, and maybe I got the other one from PeterD? (who got it from Curt? I don't know). The tall pirate fellow is a complete mystery. It's a bronze figurine that I got who knows where who knows when from who knows whom. I wanted to paint a yellow scarf on his head, but somehow the front picture suggest something more like a trumpian hairstyle.

Thoth and Bastet are both from Reaper. They are quite tall at about 5cm, so I will claim them as 40mm foot figures. To create the effect of "old gold", I painted the metallic surfaces with "Citadel Auric Gold" then generously washed with some old "Citadel Brown Ink" from a previous decade. It turned out perfect for this project. The skin tones just try to mimic the fur of the lion and the feathers of the Nile ibis, which are both non-Caucasian.

"May I check your weapons in the cloakroom?"

The final two figures are a Desert Giant and the Egyptian god Horus. Both were fun to paint and they both stand up to close to 7cm, so I will claim them as 54mm foot figures. Both these vinyl miniatures are from Reaper and the left one is listed as a "Stone Giant". Since this is for a desert adventure, and since this guy would spend lots of time in the sun, I opted for a very dark skin tone.  For the bases, I added stone blocks made out of balsa wood that I "painted" with PVA glue in order to make the surface more rock-like.

"I you want to follow me, I will show you to your table."

 Points claimed:

4 x 28mm foot figurines at 5 points each = 20 points

2 x 40mm foot figurines at 7 points each = 14 points

4 x 54mm foot figurines at 10 points each = 40 points

Total = 74 points 

Thanks for reading!

Hmmm... I know I put comments in here before but on review they've disappeared! Anyway I had written that I like the diversity you've brought to your D&D campaign Sylvain. Kids can't imagine themselves in a story unless they can "see" people who look like themselves there and D&D has traditionally been pretty non-diverse, so I applaud your effort here!

74 points for you!



  1. Nice NPCs and gods Sylvain. You’re getting good mileage out of the Queen and Empress.

  2. A nice mix of figures Sylvain

  3. I think I need the Bastet and Horus figures. Nice work.

  4. Love the Horus figure its amazing, the rest are great also

  5. Love the colours on Thoth.

  6. Very nice mix. Great brush work.
