Saturday 9 March 2024

From ChrisW: Library tour with no 15mm Sci-fi! (gasp) (320 points)

Coming at you!

First off thank you everyone who has been so kind as to comment on some of my stuff, it is very much appreciated. Also thank you to my minion for many nice comments and for doing the minion job so well. I have had challenges this time around in posting comments. I have no problem submitting posts, but the system does not recognize me when I try to posy, weird. I can only post comments when I use another device and I do not always have access to that device.

This week I plan to tackle a couple of sections, backtracking a bit. First up a visit to the cooking section.

 Cooking section, (some soup gone bad turned into a weapon!)

Here we have the old but charming GW halfling soup artillery. This has been sitting in a blister pack in my collection for a few decades. I recently decided to build a Halfling army for Fantastic Battles. At  one point I planned to paint some of them for this challenge but alas I became distracted. But I needed a cooking themed entry so out these came. They are based on a 60mm x 60mm base for use in the FB game and are now the first company that I have produced for my fledgling Halfling army. I figured that any good Halfling chef would have additional supplies and some liquid refreshment, so I added in some extra details onto the base.

Nautical section

Returning to the previous area I tackled some long put off boats. Up first were some gondolas that I needed for a game played last weekend. I have used my Venice set a few times but never got around to painting the gondolas that are so iconic to the setting. Part of the reason that I initially hesitated in painting them up was their size. They are kind of big looking  but I have come to accept them because they are after all intended for gaming. So yes they are wide but then they have to hold figures that are on bases and you need to have room for multiple opponents to fight it out, so they do work. 

Well, I got three of them built and painted for last weekend and worked on the last two this week. They are from Plascraft and now OOP, but I recently stumbled upon some paper plans which will be handy should I require any more.

Ah Venice

Scene from the game

I am currently hosting the Pulp Alley China station campaign and will need some sampans for an upcoming game. So, it was time to paint these up for that. They are grey board models by Sarissa. I did modify the shelter by covering the original part with crepe paper and white glue. It gave it a nice texture look to the coverings much better than the original look.

Then there is the motor boat that I do not need but that was in the same box as the sampans, so what the hey might as well paint it up too. It is the river launch by Ainsty. It is a straight forward model without any extras but is good for gaming purposes and will work well for bootleggers.



I managed to find a couple of  literature themed figures in my collection. So, I have some Blue Moon Sleepy Hollow figures (more on the painting table) a couple of versions of Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson (I still have another version of each) and finally a figure I plan to use as Mr Hyde.

The legend of Sleepy Hollow 

Another of those thins that I want to get to, some time, is a Sleepy Hollow scenario. I have both Blue Moon sets plus a lot of the building that I would need to run a game so it is high time that I got to painting the figures. (Just turned 63 so time is ticking even quicker it seems)

A couple of Sherlocks and Watsons 

How many Sherlocks does one need? Less than what I have I suspect! So, plans to do some sleuthing around London have advanced somewhat so this is the start of a major push to get stuff ready to game. On the table are some other sleuths such as Lestrade, Edmund Reid and Fred Abberline and others set to be painted next week. 

Blue Moon miniatures

The country version

Westwind miniatures

Mr Hyde from League of Extraordinary Adventurers (my version)

Some Bobbies in search of crime (a policeman's life is not a happy one)

These are an assortment of figures, not really certain where all of them came from, but I would guess Eureka and West Wind. There are a couple of different helmets on display as well as different clothing styles. I believe they are the last of the Bobbies that I had to paint.(at least I hope so) I have plans to do some Victorian gaming in the not too distant future. 

So the totals

  •   25 points for Hot Pot kettle weapon 3x 28mm Halfling crew
  •   20 points for Cooking section 
  • 160 points for 5x 28mm vehicles Venetian gondolas, 2x Sampans, 1x motor boat??
  •   20 points for Nautical section
  •   20 points for 4x 28mm foot Sherlocks & Watsons
  •   15 points for mounted and foot Sleepy Hollow figures
  •   40 points for 8x 28mm bobbies & Mr Hyde
  •   20 points for Literature section

Total 320 points

 Squirrels this post +3

Squirrels to date [18]

  1. Hammers Slammers
  2. Ikwen alien infantry
  3. Hanuman (Alien) vehicles 
  4. New Swabian league armoured vehicles 
  5. Rats
  6. Scarabs 
  7. Mercenary Sci-fi vehicle
  8. NAC Sci-fi vehicles 
  9. Foo dog statues
  10. Terracotta warriors  
  11. NSL Bikes
  12. Generic sci fi vehicles
  13. Civilian sci-fi vehicles 
  14. Egyptian cultists  
  15. Mud Men 
  16. Ladies of the evening (and Jack)
  17. Halfling artillery
  18. Venetian Gondolas 
  19. English Bobbies
Quite the points bomb here Chris, nothing new about that though except for the variety of subjects! Love the old-school halfling hot pot, so characterful and will fit great in any runty fantasy army. Boats are boats but I really like the Persian carpets in the gondolas and the motorboat should come in handy in any Pulp scenario that requires... motorboating. The Victorian models are great too, I really like the variety of Holmes and Watsons, and you did a really super job in Mr. Hyde as well. The bobbies are well done too and will be useful in any game that needs law enforcement.

Happy birthday to you with 320 points on your tally!



  1. How awesome is the soup artillery. Fantastic

  2. Love that artillery. Great work all round here. I had to swap browsers on my phone for commenting, I could not comment in Firefox for some reason.

  3. When I saw the cooking section, the first thing that I thought of has the halfling hot pot. Excellent work all around, really like your nautical selection. A pity those Gondolas are OOP

  4. Great choice for Cooking, I painted the same kit a few Challenges ago and now regretted it, because I had nothing for this topic. :) Great brushwork on all!

  5. Well that is a wonderful eclectic mix - love the sampans

  6. Impressive post! Absolutely love the halfling vignette! Wonderful collection of boats and Victorian pulp figures too.

  7. I have passed on the SP Sampans but now that I have seen how yours have turned out I am reconsidering - very nice work all around.

  8. Terrific work Chris. I'm all for the soup artillery!

  9. Man what a variety of figures. they are so nicely painted

  10. The base details on the halflings are excellent!
