Saturday 16 March 2024

From KyleC - Let's Go! (116 pts)

So we are down to the line, and the painting desk has been heavy in painting to get ready for more gaming in various games. 

First up is the leader of my Legion forces, Mortarion. Although no rules exist for him, yet, I am using him for my Legions command base. He is an absolute unit of a model when compared to the normal troopers, and fills out a base like he is a dreadnought ready to smack units around. Sadly the legion command base is not as tough so its all intimidation tactics being used here instead. 

Speaking of absolute units.. these Deredeos are also impressive compared to their plastic counterparts. Mostly due to me incorrectly guessing their size when printing and making them about 20% larger than needed. But when on the table, it is barely noticeable. 

Switching over to units used in my game this week are 2 units of 6 Javelins. Only got to use one, the missile launchers, and overall they failed to do much in their game. Though hoping to bring them back into a game once more this Sunday. I do hope that they help more in clearing buildings as I suspect many a Raven Guard will be squatting in more than one on Sunday. 

Flipping to over to their heritage within the World Eater faction... are their forefathers from the god of war. Rounding out the first main unit of Warriors now with 6 more to join their cause. 

This now gives me a solid unit as an anchor for the army, and I will get my first game in this coming Tuesday ( club night ) with them. 

To join them though, and this was a rough unit to get finished, are the chaos knights. 

Every time I had thought they were finished, I found new parts or details that needed dealing with. 

I do hope that this is a hammer among hammer units from all the work I put into it here. 

They join their brothers now ready to go to battle very soon!

So a bit of painting this past week, and I have some more to go over the next few days.. as I hope to get in another game this Sunday with Legions. So plenty of WE units to get finished for that game ( or as much as I can ). Let's see how I get on with it all!

Points wise.. 

18*6/8mm Vehicles/Monsters - 36 pts

6*28mm Infantry - 30 pts

5*28mm Calvary - 50 pts

Total here - 116 pts

Skulls - 30 between the Khorne models and Mortarion ( he had 6! )


Fabulous work Kyle! I'm very jealous with all the Legions Imperialis gaming you're getting in. We've had a few great matches to date, but I'm eager to get in some more. 

Your 8mm Mortarian is awesome. Are there rules for the Primarchs for LI yet? If so, I'm sure they're awful/wonderful depending on your perspective or side of the table. I'm not a fan of the Deredeo design, but your renditions here look great, even if they are a little over scaled (but this is 30K where EVERYTHING is over scaled). 

Your 28mm Khornate brethren look amazing. I really like the oversaturated shades of red set against the blasted groundwork. Very nice.

- Curt


  1. Definitely cool Kyle, great reds

  2. yet again these are all so good I can't choose a favourite! But the pictures of your Chaos warriors are so good and stylish I think they win.

    1. Cheers Sander. Am really enjoying most of this project but the whole is really coming together super well now. Can't wait to see them in a game..

  3. Lovely work Kyle. If those knights are as powerful as they used to be in older versions of WHammer they will be an absolute unit. Many a time I had great fun with them.

    1. I hope to find out soon enough. But damn if they are not fully covered in too much detail.. am almost hoping my bid for 5 more on eBay fails 😅

  4. Great work Kyle, I got a chuckle out of the miscaled and oversize figures. I predict a lot of razzing about overcompensating for something from your opponents!

    1. Ah so you have met my club mates then eh? 🫣It also seems that the bikers and jetbikes were on the wrong size bases... So they give me no end of grief over it all 🤣

  5. I thought your Mortarion was 28mm! Great work.

    1. 😳 wow.. that's a super great comment/compliment! Thanks!

  6. Wow! The paintwork on those knights is awesome. I have rarely seen basing material add so much to a figure's character, these really do.

    1. Thanks Bob. The bigger chunks are supposed to be concrete rubble but they really work nicely for the bigger models in this army. Have been printing out a few different scales of them to add as debris. Really pops for sure and glad that you like them!
